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Title Printing Ramanujan Numbers 1-100 RN=L^3+M^3=N^3+P^3
Author Mahender
Author Email mahender.k [at]
Description This programme Prints the first 100 Ramanujan NUMBERS
and satisfying the formula:-
RN- Ramanujan Numbers
and L!=M!=!N=!P

Category C++ » Mathematics
Hits 375764
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Code : /* Description: Programme to Print first 100 Ramanujan Numbers by TWO WAYS 1st way is printing Ramunajan Numbers from RN taking RN from 0 to INFINITY and print first 100 numbers. 2nd way is to clacualte RN numbers from L M N P of formula RN= L^3 + M^3 = N^3 + P^3 and sort the RN numbers and print first 100 Numbers RN=RAMANUJAN NUMBERS */ #include<iostream.h> //Include Header Files #include<math.h> using namespace std; template <class X>X cube(X a)//TEMPLATE to calculate CUBE of a number and { //Return the CUBE return (a*a*a);//Return CUBE } class Ramanujan{//CLASS to PRINT RN in two ways public: void fromRN();//PRINT RN from RN void fromLMNP();//PRINT RN from LMNP values }; void Ramanujan::fromLMNP()//Start of LMNP { int L=0,M=0,N=0,P=0;//integer L,M,N,P to calculate RN int a[200];//ARRAY to store RN calculated from L,M,N,P int temp;//Integer to SWAP for sorting. int i=0,j=0;//Integer's for sorting ARRAY int CAL;//Integer to store how many values calculated for RN cout<<" Calculating RN numbers from LMNP values Please Wait......... "; for(L=0;L<128;L++)//L for(M=0;M<170;M++)//M for(N=0;N<170;N++)//N for(P=0;P<205;P++)//P {if(L<M && M<N && N<P)//if the Condition Satisfy { //FINDING the PAIRS MATCHING RN numbers if((cube(L)+cube(M))==(cube(N)+cube(P))) { a[i]=cube(L)+cube(M);i++;} else if((cube(L)+cube(N))==(cube(M)+cube(P))) {a[i]=cube(L)+cube(N);i++;} else if((cube(L)+cube(P))==(cube(N)+cube(M))) {a[i]=cube(N)+cube(M);i++;} }//END of IF }//END of FOR LOOP CAL=i;//CAL stores how many values calculated for RN i=0; cout<<" SORTING Please Wait......... "; for (i=0; i<CAL-1; i++) //For LOOP TO SORT THE ARRAY { for (j=0; j<CAL-1-i; j++) if (a[j+1] < a[j]) { // compare the two values temp = a[j]; //swap a[j] and a[j+1] a[j] = a[j+1]; a[j+1] = temp; } } i=0;//i=0 cout<<" Ramanujan Numbers are.........."; //TO print 100 RN numbers do { cout<<" "<<(i+1)<<" : "<<a[i]; i++; }while(i<100);//condition for i }//END of the MEMEBER fromLNMP void Ramanujan::fromRN()//Start of RN { double k,l,mk,care=0,kmk=0; int ri=0;//RN Nunber int h,mc,m,Lo;//h is HIGEST (ie L) //mc is to calculate MINIMUM(i.e M) //MINIMUM (i.e M) int i,j,flag=1;//FLAG to track the NUMBER of RN NUMBERS l=(1.00/3.00);//for CUBE ROOT cout<<"SLno L M N P =RN "; for(ri=0;flag<=100;ri++)//FOR loop taking RN from 0 { care=0;//FLAG to track number of times M occured kmk=0;//FLAG to track number of NP occurance k=(pow(ri,l)); for(;k>0&&care==0;k--){//LOOP to find M value h=(int)k; mc=((int)(ri-cube(h))); mk=(pow(mc,l)); m=(int)mk; if(m<mk) m=m+1; else m=(int)mk; if(cube(m)+cube(h)==ri) { care++;//to break the LOOP to find M value }//END of IF }//END of for LOOP to find M value if((double)(cube(h)+cube(m))==ri)//IF LM found then calculate OP for(i=m;i<=h;i++)//to calculate RN for(j=h;j>=m;j--) if((cube(i)+cube(j))==cube(m)+cube(h))//if FINDED NP also {//then check the condition if(i!=j&&i!=h&&i!=m&&j!=h&&j!=m&&h!=m&&(double)(cube(h)+cube(m))==ri&&(dou ble)(cube(i)+cube(j))==ri) {if(kmk==0){//if LMNP if found then PRINT RN //printf(" %d: %d %d %d %d = %d",flag,i,j,h,m,ri); cout<<" "<<flag<<" "<<h<<" "<<m<<" "<<i<<" "<<j<<"= "<<ri; flag++;//to increment the RN found flag and kmk++;//TO break the LOOP to find LM }//END of IF }//END of IF //flag++; } //END of FOR LOOP LM found } //END of FOR LOOP taking RN from } //END of RN int main(){//MAIN PROOGRAMME char choice; Ramanujan rn;//object of Ramnujan class do{ system("clear");//CLEAR SCREEN //PRINT THE MENU cout<<"##########Menu to Calculate Ramanujan Numbers############################### "; cout<<"1: Calculate RN number by checking RN number and print first 100 Numbers "; cout<<" (Takes more time........) "; cout<<"2: Calculate RN fumber by claculating L, M, N,P and print first 100 Numbers "; cout<<"3: Quit from Menu "; cout<<"################################################################### ######### "; cout<<"Enter Your choice :"; cin>>choice;//USER to select choice if(choice=='1')//If choice 1 then print RN from RN number { rn.fromRN();//calling member to print RN from RN number cout<<" Do you want to Continue(y or Y) else Any key to exit :"; cin>>choice; } else if(choice=='2')//If choice 2 then print RN from LNMP { rn.fromLMNP();//calling member to print print RN from LNMP values cout<<" Do you want to Continue(y or Y) else Any key to exit :"; cin>>choice; } else if(choice=='3')//to QUIT { cout<<" Bye:.............. "; } else//if worng choice entered { cout<<" You Entered Wrong Choice Please select correct "; cout<<" Do you want to Continue(y or Y) else Any key to exit :"; cin>>choice; } }while(choice=='y'||choice=='Y');//condition for choice return 0; //return 0 } //End of main Programme

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