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Title Dxball game demo (mini project)
Author Md.Mujibur Rahman
Author Email mujib-fd [at]
Category Java » Java Applets
Hits 428388
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Code : /* Md.Mujibur Rahman Mujib mobile:+880172079745 Darul Ihsan University Bangladesh. */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; /* <applet code="Dxball1.class" width=670 height=300> </applet> */ public class Dxball1 extends Applet implements Runnable,KeyListener,MouseListener { Thread th; static Rectangle ob[] = new Rectangle[30]; Ball ball; Bar bar; Message mes; int i,j; int x = 1; int y=1; int z = 0; int xx,yy1,zz; int b,b1; int flag; //static int yy=0; boolean runing=true; Image dbimage; Graphics dbg; int c1,c2,c3,c4; int flagg=1; //int ballCheck=0; String ss = ""; String ss1=""; String me = ""; static int score = 0; static Font ff; TextArea ta; public void start() { th = new Thread(this); runing = false; //th.start(); } public void stop() { runing = true; th = null; } public void run() { for(; ;) { if(ball.over()) { ss = "Game Over!!!!!"; ss1 = "You have loss the game"; repaint(); System.out.print("braek"); break; } try { Thread.sleep(20); if(runing)break; int tempx=Ball.flagx; int tempy=Ball.flagy; if (tempx==1) ball.move(); else ball.move1(); if(tempy==1) ball.move2(); else ball.move3(); if(tempy==1) ball.move(); else ball.move3(); repaint(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } } public void init() { /*me =" THIS IS A DXBALL GAME. "+ " This Game is Devlopped by Md.Mujibur Rahman "+ " University of DIU BATCH 9th ROLL 9007 "+ " Created by Mujibur's Group "+ " HOW TO PLAY "+ " Level 1: First You press mouse "+ "when you press mouse the the ball is moved "+ "Then Score will be increase "+ " Control the bar for using left arrow and right arrow "+ "the Ball moved Randomly "+ "If the ball hits the Rectangle "+ "Then Score will Increase "+ "if the ball is passed the bar level "+ "Game will be over and Game is finished"; setLayout(null); ta = new TextArea(me); ta.setBounds(470,120,150,150); ta.setEditable(false); add(ta);*/ int xx=30,mm=30; for(int i =0 ;i<24;i=i+3) { ob[i] = new Rectangle(xx,mm); ob[i].display=true; mm=mm+20; ob[i+1] = new Rectangle(xx,mm); ob[i+1].display=true; mm=mm+20; ob[i+2] = new Rectangle(xx,mm); ob[i+2].display=true; xx=xx+50; mm = 30; } mes =new Message(); ball = new Ball(90,250); bar = new Bar(70); ff = new Font("arial",Font.BOLD,20); this.addKeyListener(this); this.addMouseListener(this); } public void paint(Graphics g) { int count=0; for(int i=0;i<24;i++) { if(ob[i].display==false) count++; } if(count==24) { mes.mess(g); return; } g.setFont(new Font("arial",Font.PLAIN,15)); g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillRect(470,30,150,70); g.setColor(; g.drawString("Score: "+score,480,50); g.drawString("Status:"+Ball.over,480,70); g.drawString("Life: ",480,90); //g.drawString(""+Bar.yy,455,50); g.setColor(; g.fillRect(20,20,410,300); g.setColor(; g.setFont(ff); g.drawString(ss,100,200); g.drawString(ss1,100,230); g.setColor(; for(int j = 0;j<24;j++) { if(ob[j].display==false) { continue; } System.out.print(" check false : "+ob[j].display); if(ob[j].display==true) { breaking(j) ; } if(ob[j].display==true) ob[j].ppaint(g); } ball.bpaint(g); bar.barpaint(g); } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent k) { } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent k) { } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent k) { int R =k.getKeyCode(); if(R==k.VK_LEFT) { if(bar.yy > 25) bar.yy=bar.yy-10; System.out.println("Left"); repaint(); } if(R==k.VK_RIGHT) { if(bar.yy < 365 ) { bar.yy=bar.yy+10; } System.out.println("Right"); repaint(); } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { th.start(); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) { } public void update(Graphics g) //to remove flickering { if (dbimage==null) { dbimage=createImage(this.getSize().width,this.getSize().height); dbg=dbimage.getGraphics(); } dbg.setColor(getBackground()); dbg.fillRect(0,0,this.getSize().width,this.getSize().height); dbg.setColor(getForeground()); paint(dbg); g.drawImage(dbimage,0,0,this); } public boolean breaking(int i) { if(check(i)) return true; else return false; } public boolean check(int i) { int am,ami; am = Math.abs(ball.x1-ob[i].x); ami = Math.abs(ball.y1-ob[i].y); if(am<20 && ami<20 ) { ob[i].display=false; score=score+10; Ball.flagy=1; return true; } else { return false; } } } //Class main is end class Rectangle { int i; int x,y; Graphics g; int ballCheck=0; boolean display; Rectangle(int m ,int n) { x = m; y =n; } public void ppaint(Graphics g) { g.fillRect(x,y,40,10); } } class Ball { static int flag=3; static int flagx=1; static int flagy=2; static int Point = 0; static String over=""; static int life=1; int x,y,m; int x1,y1; Graphics g; Ball(int a1,int a2) { x1 = a1; y1 = a2; } public void bpaint(Graphics g) { //g.drawString(" y : "+y1,455,250); if(20>=x1||x1>=410||y1<=20||y1>=260) //checking boundaries { getflag(); } g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillOval(x1,y1,15,15); } public boolean over() { //System.out.println(""+y1); if(y1>290) return true; else return false; } public void move() { x1++; } public void move1() { x1--; } public void move2() { y1=y1+2; } public void move3() { y1=y1-2; } public void move4() { x1++; y1--; } public void getflag() { if(x1<=20) // check boundaries and ball motion { x1=20; flagx=1; } if(x1>=410) { x1=410; flagx=2; } if(y1<=20) { y1=20; Point = Point +10; flagy=1; } if(y1>=260) { if(Bar.yy>=x1||x1<=(Bar.yy+50)) { System.out.print("/n /n true Bar.yy :"+Bar.yy+" Y1:"+y1); System.out.print(" /n/n/n/ncheck ok"); y1=260; flagy=2; } else { System.out.print("/n /n falseBar.yy :"+Bar.yy+" Y1:"+y1); if(Bar.yy>260 && Bar.yy<200) { flag=2; System.out.print("/n game over"); } else { if(Bar.yy>290) { } else { life=0; System.out.print(Bar.yy); over="LOSS GAME"; } } } //else1 end } } }//end class class Bar { int ss; static int yy=0; int q; static int pp; Bar(int a) { yy=a+yy; } public void barpaint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillRect(yy,270,60,10); } } class Message { public void mess(Graphics g) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(0,0,400,300); g.setColor(; g.setFont(Dxball1.ff); g.drawString("YOU HAVE WON THE GAME",160,180); g.drawString("Your Score is:"+Dxball1.score,160,200); } }

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