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Title Editor Java
Author Matore Nirgun & Mamidwar Shailesh
Author Email nishaj_1983 [at]
Description This is the most simple and easy to use programs , which gives out put with An Editor. If you have any suggestion then do contact...
Category Java » Java Applets
Hits 386562
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import java.*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Editor extends Frame implements ActionListener,TextListener { TextArea ta; int flg,pos,cnt,charcnt,i; String fname,editcp,efile; int si,start,openflg; int line[]=new int[5000]; int keypres,cpos,replaceflg; public Editor() { start=0;cnt=0;charcnt=0;replaceflg=1; flg=0;keypres=0;i=0;openflg=0; setTitle("Untitled - Java"); setSize(800,550); ta = new TextArea("",20,50); ta.addTextListener(this); //////////////////////// Creating MenuBar,Menus & MenuItems ///////////////////////// MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); setMenuBar(mb); Menu file = new Menu("File"); mb.add(file); Menu edit = new Menu("Edit"); mb.add(edit); Menu format = new Menu("Format"); mb.add(format); Menu exec = new Menu("Execution"); mb.add(exec); Menu help = new Menu("Help"); mb.add(help); MenuItem new1 = new MenuItem("New"); file.add(new1); new1.addActionListener(this); MenuItem open = new MenuItem("Open..."); file.add(open); open.addActionListener(this); MenuItem save = new MenuItem("Save"); file.add(save); save.addActionListener(this); MenuItem saveas = new MenuItem("Save As..."); file.add(saveas); saveas.addActionListener(this); file.addSeparator(); MenuItem exit = new MenuItem("Exit"); file.add(exit); exit.addActionListener(this); MenuItem cut = new MenuItem("Cut"); edit.add(cut); cut.addActionListener(this); MenuItem copy = new MenuItem("Copy"); edit.add(copy); copy.addActionListener(this); MenuItem paste = new MenuItem("Paste"); edit.add(paste); paste.addActionListener(this); edit.addSeparator(); MenuItem find = new MenuItem("Find..."); edit.add(find); find.addActionListener(this); MenuItem replace1 = new MenuItem("Replace..."); edit.add(replace1); replace1.addActionListener(this); edit.addSeparator(); MenuItem got = new MenuItem("Go To..."); edit.add(got); got.addActionListener(this); MenuItem selall = new MenuItem("Select All"); edit.add(selall); selall.addActionListener(this); MenuItem delete1 = new MenuItem("Delete"); edit.add(delete1); delete1.addActionListener(this); MenuItem fonts = new MenuItem("Font..."); format.add(fonts); fonts.addActionListener(this); MenuItem compil = new MenuItem("Compile"); exec.add(compil); compil.addActionListener(this); MenuItem run = new MenuItem("Run"); exec.add(run); run.addActionListener(this); MenuItem about = new MenuItem("About..."); help.add(about); about.addActionListener(this); ////////////////// Creating MenuBar,Menus & MenuItems Ends Here ////////////////// add(ta); setVisible(true); addWindowListener(new mywind()); } //////////////////////////// To Get The Values From Font Dialog Box /////////////////////////// public void setFontValue(String fontn,int fstyle,int fonts) { Font fnt = new Font(fontn,fstyle,fonts); ta.setFont(fnt); } ////////////////////////////////////// Font Dialog Box Ends Here //////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// To Get Values From Dialog Box //////////////////////////////////// public void setValue(int state,String txt,String txt1,int txt2) { int stt=state; int lpos=txt2; int charpos[]=new int[1000]; int j; ///////////////////////////// Code For GoTo Line Number ///////////////////////////// if (stt==1) { StringBuffer strbuf=new StringBuffer(ta.getText()); int len=strbuf.length(); j=0; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { if(strbuf.charAt(i)==10) { charpos[j]=i; j++;cnt++; } } if (lpos>cnt) { new MsgDlg(this," Out Of Range....!"); } else { if(lpos==1) {,charpos[0]);} else {[lpos-2],charpos[lpos-1]);} } } //////////////////// Code For GoTo Line Number Ends Here ///////////////////// ///////////// Code For Saving Text When Clicking File -> New ////////////// else if(stt==2) { start=0; String st = ta.getText(); FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this,"Save",FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setVisible(true); fname= fd.getDirectory()+fd.getFile(); if(fname!="") { try{ FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(fname); int i; for(i=0;i<st.length();i++) { fo.write(st.charAt(i)); } ta.setText(""); Font ft = new Font("Times New Roman",0,12); ta.setFont(ft); setTitle("Untitled - Java"); } catch(IOException ie) {} } } ////////// Code For Saving Text When Clicking File -> New Ends Here //////////// /////////////////////////////////// Code For Finding Given Text ////////////////////////////////// else if(stt==3) { replaceflg=1; si=ta.getText().indexOf(txt,start); if(si<0) { start=0; new MsgDlg(this,"Now....! Word Not Found"); replaceflg=0; } else {,si +txt.length()); start = si + txt.length(); } } //////////////////////////// Code For Finding Given Text Ends Here /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// Code For Replacing Given Text ///////////////////////////////// else if (stt==4) { if (replaceflg!=0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(txt); String blk=""; pos=ta.getCaretPosition(); int e=pos+txt1.length(); ta.replaceRange(blk,pos,e); ta.insert(txt1,pos); replaceflg=0; } } /////////////////////////// Code For Replacing Given Text Ends Here ///////////////////////// else if (stt==5) { start=0; ta.setText(""); setTitle("Untitled - Java"); Font ft = new Font("Times New Roman",0,12); ta.setFont(ft); ta.setCaretPosition(0); } else if (stt==0) { start=0; ta.setText(ta.getText()); } else if(!(stt >= 0 && stt <= 5)) { start=0; ta.setText(""); } } /////////////////////////////////////// End Of getvalue From Dialog Box ////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// For Checking Whether The Key Is Pressed Or Not //////////////////////////// public void textValueChanged(TextEvent te) {keypres=1;} ////////////////////////////////////////// Text Event Ends Here /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// To Check Whether The Menu Options Are Checked Or Not ////////////////// public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getActionCommand() == "New") { flg=0; if (keypres==1) { MyDialog md; md = new MyDialog(this,"New",3,this," Save file (Yes/No)? "); } else { ta.setText(""); Font ft = new Font("Times New Roman",0,12); ta.setFont(ft); } } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Open...") { ta.setCaretPosition(0); String tempfname = "Untitled"; if (openflg != 0) { tempfname=fname; } flg = 0; FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this,"Open"); fd.setVisible(true); fname = fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile(); if (tempfname.equals("null")) {setTitle("Untitled - Java");} else { openflg = 1; if(fname.equals("nullnull")){fname=tempfname;} efile = fd.getFile(); setTitle(fname + " - Java"); try{ FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(fname); int size = fi.available(); byte data[] = new byte[size];,0,size); ta.setText(new String(data)); }catch(FileNotFoundException fe){} catch(IOException ie){} } } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Save") { String st = ta.getText(); if(flg==0) { String tempfname ="Untitled"; tempfname = fname; FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this,"Save",FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setVisible(true); fname = fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile(); efile=fd.getFile(); setTitle(fname + " - Java"); if(fname=="") flg=0; else flg=1; } if(flg==1) { try{ FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(fname); int i; for(i=0;i<st.length();i++) { fo.write(st.charAt(i)); } } catch(IOException ie) {} } } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Save As...") { String st = ta.getText(); FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this,"Save As",FileDialog.SAVE); fd.setVisible(true); try { String fname = fd.getDirectory()+fd.getFile(); efile=fd.getFile(); setTitle(fname + " - Java"); FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(fname); int i; for(i=0;i<st.length();i++) { fo.write(st.charAt(i)); } } catch(IOException ie) {} } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Exit") { System.exit(0); } else if(ae.getActionCommand()=="Cut") { editcp = ta.getSelectedText(); String blk=""; pos=ta.getCaretPosition(); int e=pos+editcp.length(); ta.replaceRange(blk,pos,e); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Copy") { editcp=ta.getSelectedText(); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Paste") { int i; i=ta.getCaretPosition(); ta.insert(editcp,i); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Find...") { MyDialog md; md = new MyDialog(this,"Find",4,this,"Find What : "); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Replace...") { MyDialog md; md = new MyDialog(this,"Replace",5,this,"Find What : "); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Go To...") { MyDialog md; md = new MyDialog(this,"Goto Line",2,this,"Line Number : "); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Select All") {,ta.getText().length()); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Delete") { editcp = ta.getSelectedText(); String blk=""; pos=ta.getCaretPosition(); ta.setCaretPosition(pos); int e=pos+editcp.length(); ta.replaceRange(blk,pos,e); } else if(ae.getActionCommand()=="Compile") { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); try{ Process p = r.exec("javac " + efile); } catch ( NullPointerException ee) { } catch ( Exception e) {} } else if(ae.getActionCommand()=="Run") { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(efile); String tstr=""; int i=0; while(sb.charAt(i)!='.') { tstr=tstr+sb.charAt(i); i++; } Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); try{ Process p1 = r.exec("java " + tstr); } catch ( NullPointerException ee) { } catch ( Exception e) {} } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Font...") { new FontDlg(this,this); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "About...") { new About(); } } //////////// Checking Whether The Menu Options Are Checked Or Not Ends Here /////////////// public static void main(String str[]) { new Copyright(); Editor e = new Editor(); } }

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