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Title Chatting Application
Author Aditya Bakle
Author Email aditya_bakle [at]
Description This is a Chatting application similar to Messenger. The program is divided in two parts. Server & Client
Category Java » Multithreading
Hits 398845
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://////////************ SERVER CODE ENDS*************//////////////// import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; ////////************* Main Class ************** class S_CHAT { public static int CPort, S_Client_No,DPort; public static void main(String[] arg) { System.out.println("Initializing Chatting Server..."); System.out.println("Default binding port no : 2000."); System.out.println("Maximum 15 users can log at a time."); MainFrame MF= new MainFrame();; } } ////////************* Main Class Ends ************** ////////************* Client info Class ************** class CLIENT_INFO { String Cli_name; Socket Cli_Cmd;//Cli_Data; CLIENT_INFO(String s, Socket C) { Cli_name=s; Cli_Cmd=C; //Cli_Data=D; } } ////////************* Client info Class Ends ************** ////////************* Servers Gui Class ************** class MainFrame extends Frame implements ActionListener { JLabel l,ul; JTextField P,B_M; public static JButton S,CW,Broad; public static CLIENT_INFO C_INFO[]=new CLIENT_INFO[15]; public static List UL; public static TextArea T; MainFrame() { super("MadMan Chatting Server"); setSize(500,550); setLayout(null); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () {public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } } ); l=new JLabel("Listen at Port:"); add(l); l.setBounds(10,30,100,20); P=new JTextField("2000"); add(P); P.setBounds(120,30,60,20); S=new JButton("Start"); add(S); S.setBounds(200,28,80,25); S.addActionListener(this); T=new TextArea("MadMan Chatting Server...STARTED",25,50,1); add(T); T.setBounds(10,60,350,440); T.setEditable(false); ul = new JLabel("On Line Users"); add(ul); ul.setBounds(370,60,120,20); UL=new List(25); add(UL); UL.setBounds(370,80,120,390); B_M=new JTextField("Server Broadcast Message."); add(B_M); B_M.setBounds(10,515,350,20); Broad=new JButton("Broadcast Msg."); add(Broad); Broad.setBounds(370,512,120,25); Broad.addActionListener(this); CW=new JButton("Message To..."); add(CW); CW.setBounds(370,475,120,25); CW.setVisible(false); CW.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent AE) { if(AE.getSource()==S) { UL.addItem("[MAD_MAN]"); C_INFO[0]=new CLIENT_INFO("[MAD_MAN]",null); try { S_CHAT.CPort=Integer.parseInt(P.getText()); }catch(Exception E){} S_CHAT.DPort=S_CHAT.CPort+1000; new THBind(S_CHAT.CPort); if(UL.getItemCount()>0) CW.setVisible(true); } if(AE.getSource()==CW) { String msg=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the Message:"); if(!(msg==null)) if(!(UL.getSelectedItem()==null)) { System.out.println("Message : "+msg+" to : "+UL.getSelectedIndex()); send_msg(msg,UL.getSelectedIndex()); } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"No Client Selected","Alert", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } if(AE.getSource()==Broad) { for(int t=0;t<UL.getItemCount();t++) send_msg("BROADCAST : "+B_M.getText(),t); } } public void send_msg(String m,int TO) { PrintWriter o; if(TO>0) { try { o = new PrintWriter(MainFrame.C_INFO[TO].Cli_Cmd.getOutputStream(),true); o.println("S_MSG"); o.println(m); } catch(Exception E){} } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,m,"Server Message", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } ////////************* Servers Gui Class Ends ************** ////////************* Connection Handling (Thread) Class ************** class THBind extends Frame implements Runnable { Thread BT; int dport,cport; static int i=1; static ServerSocket server_CSocket,server_DSocket; public THBind(int cp) { BT=new Thread(this); cport=cp; dport=S_CHAT.DPort; BT.start(); } public void run() { MainFrame.S.setVisible(false); if (cport<1024) { System.out.println("Server Binded to port = 2000 (default)"); cport = 2000; dport=3000; S_CHAT.DPort=3000; } else { try { server_CSocket = new ServerSocket(cport); server_DSocket = new ServerSocket(dport); MainFrame.T.append(" Server waiting for client on port " + server_CSocket.getLocalPort()); while(i<15) { Socket CSocket = server_CSocket.accept(); MainFrame.T.append(" New connection accepted " + CSocket.getInetAddress() + ":" + CSocket.getPort()); new Client_P(CSocket,i); i++; } //while } //try catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } } }//bind } //class THBind ////////************* Connection Handling (Thread) Class Ends ************** ////////************* Client Handling (Thread) Class ************** class Client_P extends Frame implements Runnable { Thread t; int ci; private Socket c_s; String uname="Anonymous",pass; BufferedReader C_input; PrintWriter C_output; PrintWriter r=null,a=null; BufferedReader r1=null,a1=null; public Client_P(Socket C,int i) { t=new Thread(this); c_s = C; ci=i; t.start(); } public void run() { int check=login(); while(check!=1) check=login(); if (check==1) { System.out.println("OK..."); C_output.println("U_E"); MainFrame.C_INFO[ci]=new CLIENT_INFO(uname,c_s); MainFrame.UL.addItem(uname); MainFrame.T.append(" "+MainFrame.C_INFO[ci].Cli_name); MainFrame.T.append(" "+MainFrame.C_INFO[ci].Cli_Cmd); System.out.println("Broadcasting List..."); BROADCAST_LIST(); System.out.println(" List BroadCasted"); System.out.println("Reading Clients"); System.out.println(THBind.i); int i=1; try { while(i==1) { String l=C_input.readLine(); i=Manipulate(l); if(i==2) { System.out.println("Enterting MSG_READER thread"); new MSG_RDR(r1,a); new MSG_RDR(a1,r); System.out.println("Enterting MSG_READER thread done sucessfully"); i=1; } } } catch(IOException E) { System.out.println("Error in Reading Client Request");} MainFrame.T.append(" User Logged Out : "+uname); CLIENT_INFO tmp[]=new CLIENT_INFO[15]; int j=0; for(int x=0;x<THBind.i;x++) { if(!uname.equals(MainFrame.C_INFO[x].Cli_name)) { tmp[j]=MainFrame.C_INFO[x]; System.out.println(tmp[j].Cli_name); j++; } } THBind.i--; System.out.println(THBind.i); MainFrame.C_INFO=new CLIENT_INFO[15]; MainFrame.UL.removeAll(); System.out.println("Modifying Client Info Array"); for(int x=0;x<j;x++) { MainFrame.C_INFO[x]=tmp[x]; MainFrame.UL.addItem(tmp[x].Cli_name); } BROADCAST_LIST(); } else { System.out.println("User Already Exist"); //run(); } } void BROADCAST_LIST() { PrintWriter o; for(int j=1;j<THBind.i;j++) { try { o = new PrintWriter(MainFrame.C_INFO[j].Cli_Cmd.getOutputStream(),true); o.println("ULIST"); for(int x=0;x<MainFrame.UL.getItemCount();x++) o.println(MainFrame.UL.getItem(x)); o.println("END"); } catch(Exception E){} } }/// BRAODCAST_LIST int Manipulate(String CMD) { if(CMD.equals("LOGOUT")) return 0; if(CMD.equals("RQT_CHAT")) { try { String u=C_input.readLine(); String f=C_input.readLine(); System.out.println("Waiting for Requestor"); Socket Friend_Cmd=null; Socket d_s1=THBind.server_DSocket.accept(); for(int j=0;j<MainFrame.UL.getItemCount();j++) if(f.equals(MainFrame.C_INFO[j].Cli_name)) { Friend_Cmd=MainFrame.C_INFO[j].Cli_Cmd; break; } try { PrintWriter Fo=new PrintWriter(Friend_Cmd.getOutputStream(),true); Fo.println("CALL_CHAT"); Fo.println(f); Fo.println(u); System.out.println("Information Transfered to Acceptor"); } catch(Exception E){} System.out.println("Waiting for Acceptor"); Socket d_s2=THBind.server_DSocket.accept(); System.out.println("Connection for Acceptor Done"); System.out.println(d_s2); COM_PROCESS(d_s1,d_s2); System.out.println("COM_PROCESS Done here."); } catch(IOException E) { System.out.println("Reading Chatting Request");} return 2; } else return 1; }/// Manipulate public void COM_PROCESS(Socket rqt, Socket accp) { try { r=new PrintWriter(rqt.getOutputStream(),true); a=new PrintWriter(accp.getOutputStream(),true); r1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(rqt.getInputStream())); a1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(accp.getInputStream())); System.out.println("Streams Created"); } catch(Exception E) {} } boolean already_exist() { System.out.println("index :"+ ci); if(ci!=0) for(int j=0;j<ci;j++) { if(MainFrame.C_INFO[j].Cli_name.equals(uname)) return true; else continue; } return false; } public int login() { int FOUND=0,flag=0; String cmd="S_U"; try { C_input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(c_s.getInputStream())); C_output = new PrintWriter(c_s.getOutputStream(),true); cmd=C_input.readLine(); uname=C_input.readLine(); pass=C_input.readLine(); MainFrame.T.append(" Authenticating user - "+uname); DataInputStream fin = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("data.txt")); while(true) { if( uname.equals(fin.readUTF()) ) { flag = 1; if( pass.equals(fin.readUTF()) ) { FOUND=1; break; } // if( ps.equals(fin.readUTF()) ) else { FOUND=0; //C_output.println("NACK"); break; }//else }//if( nm.equals(fin.readUTF()) ) }//while }//try catch(Exception e1) { } System.out.println("CMD: "+cmd+" flag="+flag); if(cmd.equals("N_U") && flag==0) { try { DataOutputStream fout = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("data.txt",true)); fout.writeUTF(uname); fout.writeUTF(pass); fout.close(); System.out.println("User Wrote in File"); C_output.println("User Signed Sucessful"); }catch(Exception E){}; } else { if(flag==1&&FOUND==0&&cmd.equals("N_U")) C_output.println("User Exist Sign-in other."); else { if (FOUND==0&&cmd.equals("S_U")) C_output.println("NACK"); else { if(FOUND==1&&already_exist()==false) { MainFrame.T.append(" User ""+uname+"" Authenticated"); C_output.println(S_CHAT.DPort); } else { FOUND=0; C_output.println("U_A_E"); } } } } return (FOUND); } } ////////************* Client Handling (Thread) Class Ends ************** ////////************* Message Transfering (Thread) Class ************** class MSG_RDR extends Frame implements Runnable { Thread t; BufferedReader BR; PrintWriter PW; public MSG_RDR(BufferedReader br, PrintWriter pw) { t=new Thread(this); System.out.println("I am Inside MSG_RDR"); BR=br; PW=pw; PW.println("Stream established For Communication..."); MainFrame.T.append(" Indise The MESSAGE READER Thread"); t.start(); } public void run() { while(true) { try { String s= BR.readLine(); PW.println(s); } catch(IOException E){} } } } ////////************* Message Transfering (Thread) Class Ends ************** //////////************ SERVER CODE ENDS*************//////////////// ////********** CLIENT CODE STARTS ******************////////// import*; import java.awt.*; import*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; ////////************* MAIN CLASS *********** class S_Client { public static void main(String args[]) { MainFrame frm = new MainFrame(); frm.setResizable(false);; } } ////////************* MAIN CLASS Ends *********** ////////************* Connection Frame Class *********** class MainFrame extends Frame implements ActionListener { TextField t1,t2; Label l1,l2,l3,St; Button b1; static Socket c_s; static String serv="localhost"; int flag = 0; String nm,ps; public MainFrame() { super("Connection To..."); setSize(250,150); setLayout(null); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () { public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } } ); add(l1=new Label("Server IP:")); l1.setBounds(20,40,80,20); add(t1 = new TextField(10)); t1.setBounds(110,40,80,20); add(l2=new Label("Port:")); l2.setBounds(20,70,80,20); add(t2 = new TextField("2000")); t2.setBounds(110,70,80,20); add(b1 = new Button("Connect")); b1.setBounds(130,100,60,20); add(l3=new Label("Status")); l3.setBounds(10,125,200,20); St=new Label(""); St.setBounds(60,125,190,20); add(St); b1.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getSource()==b1) { if(t2.getText().equals("")) l3.setText("Port No. meust be entered."); else CONNECT_TO(); } } public void CONNECT_TO() { int port=2000; if(t1.getText()=="") serv="localhost"; else serv=t1.getText(); try { port = Integer.parseInt(t2.getText()); } catch (Exception e) { } try { c_s = new Socket(serv, port); l3.setText("Connected to server " +c_s.getInetAddress()+":" + c_s.getPort()); form F=new form();; F.setResizable(false); this.hide(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println(e); System.out.println("Error in connecting Server"); //System.exit(ERROR); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.out.println("Error in connecting Server"); //System.exit(ERROR); } } } ////////************* Connection Frame Class Ends *********** ////////************* Login Frame Class *********** class form extends Frame implements ActionListener { static TextField t1,t2; Label l1,l2,l3,St; Button b1,b2; static BufferedReader C_input; static PrintWriter C_output; int flag = 0; static int po; String nm,ps; public form() { super("Login to MadMan Chatting Server"); setSize(250,150); setLayout(null); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () { public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } } ); try { C_input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(MainFrame.c_s.getInputStream())); C_output = new PrintWriter(MainFrame.c_s.getOutputStream(),true); } catch(Exception E){} add(l1=new Label("Username:")); l1.setBounds(20,40,80,20); add(t1 = new TextField(10)); t1.setBounds(110,40,80,20); add(l2=new Label("Password:")); l2.setBounds(20,70,80,20); add(t2 = new TextField(10)); t2.setBounds(110,70,80,20); add(b1 = new Button("LOGIN")); b1.setBounds(140,100,50,20); add(b2 = new Button("Sign Up...")); b2.setBounds(70,100,60,20); add(l3=new Label("Report:")); l3.setBounds(10,125,200,20); St=new Label(""); St.setBounds(60,125,190,20); add(St); t2.setEchoChar('*'); b1.addActionListener(this); b2.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { po=3000; String l=""; if(ae.getSource()==b2) { Sign_UP Su = new Sign_UP();; t1.setText(""); t2.setText(""); } if(ae.getSource() == b1) { C_output.println("S_U"); C_output.println(t1.getText()); C_output.println(t2.getText()); try { l=C_input.readLine(); System.out.println(l); } catch(IOException E){} if(!l.equals("NACK")) { if(l.equals("U_A_E")) { l3.setText("User Alreal Exist"); System.out.println("User Alreal Exist"); t1.setText(""); t2.setText(""); } else { try { po=Integer.parseInt(l); } catch(Exception E){} try { System.out.println("Waiting for other cmd"); l=C_input.readLine(); System.out.println(l); System.out.println("CMD Recieved"); } catch(IOException E){} Frame3 F3=new Frame3(t1.getText());; F3.setResizable(false); this.hide(); } } else l3.setText("Invalid Username/Password."); } //System.out.println("Loggin in Again"); } } //Form ////////************* Login Frame Class Ends *********** ////////************* New User Sign Up Frame Class *********** class Sign_UP extends Frame implements ActionListener { TextField tt1,tt2,tt3; Label l1,l2,l3,l4; Button b1; public Sign_UP() { super("New User to MadMan Chatting Server"); setSize(250,180); setLayout(null); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () { public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { dispose(); } } ); add(l1=new Label("Username:")); l1.setBounds(20,40,80,20); add(tt1 = new TextField(10)); tt1.setBounds(110,40,80,20); add(l2=new Label("Password:")); l2.setBounds(20,70,80,20); add(tt2 = new TextField(10)); tt2.setBounds(110,70,80,20); add(l4=new Label("Confirm Pass.")); l4.setBounds(20,100,80,20); add(tt3 = new TextField(10)); tt3.setBounds(110,100,80,20); add(b1 = new Button("Sign In")); b1.setBounds(130,130,60,20); b1.addActionListener(this); add(l3=new Label("Report:")); l3.setBounds(10,155,200,20); tt2.setEchoChar('-'); tt3.setEchoChar('-'); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent AE) { if(tt1.getText().equals("")||tt2.getText().equals("")||tt3.getText().equal s("")) l3.setText("Text Field(s) Empty."); else { if(tt3.getText().equals(tt2.getText())) { form.C_output.println("N_U"); form.C_output.println(tt1.getText()); form.C_output.println(tt2.getText()); try{ String s = form.C_input.readLine(); l3.setText(s); }catch(IOException E){} } else l3.setText("Password mis-match."); } } } ////////************* New User Sign Up Frame Class Ends *********** ////////************* Final Frame Class *********** class Frame3 extends Frame implements ActionListener { JLabel L,M; static List OUL; JButton B; String U; public Frame3(String u) { super("MadMan Client-"+u); setSize(200,410); setLayout(null); U=u; L=new JLabel("Hello "+U); add(L); L.setBounds(10,25,180,20); L=new JLabel("Online user list..."); add(L); L.setBounds(10,45,180,20); OUL=new List(15); add(OUL); OUL.setBounds(10,70,180,320); OUL.addActionListener(this); /*B=new JButton("Chat with.."); add(B); B.setBounds(30,375,140,25); */ addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () { public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { try { form.C_output.println("LOGOUT"); MainFrame.c_s.close(); System.exit(0); } catch(IOException IE) {} //System.exit(0); } } ); new CMD_L(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent AE) { if(OUL.getSelectedItem().equals(U)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Self-chatting is denied", "Warning",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { if(AE.getSource()==OUL||AE.getSource()==B) { if(!OUL.getSelectedItem().equals("[MAD_MAN]")) { form.C_output.println("RQT_CHAT"); form.C_output.println(U); form.C_output.println(OUL.getSelectedItem()); CHAT_WIN CW=new CHAT_WIN(U,OUL.getSelectedItem());; } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Default Server User : Access Denied", "Warning",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } } } ////////************* Final Frame Class Ends *********** ////////************* Chat window Frema Class ************** class CHAT_WIN extends Frame implements ActionListener,TextListener { static TextArea T; TextField Tx; String uname; Socket d_s; String s; static BufferedReader D_input; static PrintWriter D_output; public CHAT_WIN(String u,String f) { super(u+"->>> * <<<-"+f); setSize(400,300); setLayout(null); setResizable(false); uname=u; Tx=new TextField(""); add(Tx); Tx.setBounds(10,260,380,35); Tx.addActionListener(this); T=new TextArea("CHAT WINDOW",10,50,1); add(T); T.setBounds(10,25,380,230); T.setEditable(false); T.addTextListener(this); try { System.out.println("DS connection with"); d_s = new Socket(MainFrame.serv, form.po); //T.append(" Connected to Data server " +d_s.getInetAddress()+":" +d_s.getPort()); T.append(" Establishing stream for communication..."); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println(e); System.out.println("Error in connecting Data Server"); //System.exit(ERROR); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.out.println("Error in connecting Server"); //System.exit(ERROR); } addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () { public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { hide(); } } ); try { D_output=new PrintWriter(d_s.getOutputStream(),true); D_input=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(d_s.getInputStream())); } catch(IOException E){} new MSG_READER(); } public void textValueChanged(TextEvent TE) {; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent TE) { s=uname+" :: "+Tx.getText(); Tx.setText(""); T.append(" "+s); D_output.println(s); System.out.println("Data Sent"); } } ////////************* Chat window Frema Class Ends ************** ////////************* Message Reader Class for Chat window ************** class MSG_READER extends Thread { Thread t; public MSG_READER() { t=new Thread(this); t.start(); } public void run() { while(true) try { CHAT_WIN.T.append(" "+CHAT_WIN.D_input.readLine()); } catch(IOException E){} } } ////////************* Message Reader Class for Chat window Ends ************** ////////************* Message Reader Class reading server Msg & Commnads ************** class CMD_L extends Frame implements Runnable { Thread t; String cmd=""; CMD_L() { t=new Thread(this); t.start(); } public void run() { while(true) { try { cmd=form.C_input.readLine(); compute(cmd); } catch(IOException E) {}//System.out.println("Error Reading Command At Client");} } } public void compute(String cmd) { if(cmd.equals("ULIST")) { Frame3.OUL.removeAll(); try { String s=form.C_input.readLine(); while(!s.equals("END")) { Frame3.OUL.addItem(s); s=form.C_input.readLine(); } } catch(IOException E){System.out.println("Error in Reading List by client");} } if(cmd.equals("CALL_CHAT")) { try { String s1=form.C_input.readLine(); String s2=form.C_input.readLine(); CHAT_WIN CW1=new CHAT_WIN(s1,s2);; } catch(IOException E){System.out.println("Error in Reading List by client");} } if(cmd.equals("S_MSG")) { try { String msgs=form.C_input.readLine(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,msgs, "Server Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } catch(IOException E){System.out.println("Error in Reading List by client");} } } } ////////************* Message Reader Class reading server Msg & Commnads Ends************** ////********** CLIENT CODE STARTS ENDS******************//////////

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