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  • Remove Javascript from HTML
       378721 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Stop New Spam with ASP
       377643 Hits Since Jan 2004
    EXAMPLE USE ------------------------ <A HREF="mailto:<%= ASCIICode("")... (description truncated) Read More
  • Recs Function
       377664 Hits Since Jan 2004
    The Recs function returns a long representing the record count returned by an SQL statement. There a... (description truncated) Read More
  • Procs Function
       377469 Hits Since Jan 2004
    The Procs Function returns an array containing the names of all procedures in a database. There is o... (description truncated) Read More
  • GetProcedureDef Function
       377735 Hits Since Jan 2004
    GetProcedureDef returns information about the arguments of a given stored procedure. It returns a re... (description truncated) Read More
  • Random Pronouncable Password
       378782 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: Lewis Moten
    Create a random password that is pronouncable. This helps users remember the password easier and can... (description truncated) Read More
  • Proper Case
       377690 Hits Since Jan 2004
    If you've used ASP for a while you'll notice that VBScript doesn't support StrConv so you can't prop... (description truncated) Read More
  • INIreader
       378241 Hits Since Jan 2004
    This is a VBS script that will look for a item in a INI file. Comes in handy when you need to read I... (description truncated) Read More
  • Get Remote File (Get File From Remote Server)
       378553 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Get Filename
       378108 Hits Since Jan 2004
    This function get the a the filename from a path with filename. Example: c:wwwrootgaleryimagefac... (description truncated) Read More
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