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  • Program to compute difference between two dates.
       378631 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to display Binary equivalent of an input Hexadecimal Number. (Hexadecimal to Binary Converter)
       378073 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to display the decimal equivalent of an input hexadecimal number. (Hexadecimal to Decimal)
       377470 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to display hexadecimal equivalent of a input binary number.
       377354 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to display decimal equivalent of a input binary number.
       377672 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to convert input decimal value to its hexadecimal equivalent.
       377479 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to display the length of the entered string. (like strlen function)
       377938 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to find an input substring in an input main string
       377750 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to print the ascii equivalent of all chararters in the entered string.
       377896 Hits Since Jan 2004
  • Program to find out if entered string contains a space character.
       377639 Hits Since Jan 2004
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