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  • The blinking star
       465548 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: Shashank
  • Data Validation
       416782 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: Crylittlebaby
    Data validation for a string of characters.
  • To search a file by giving file type like mp3 or mpeg or doc
       424925 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: Prashanth SR
    This application gives a user interface to specify file type anme and the directory from which to se... (description truncated) Read More
  • Creating a Lexical Analyzer in c
       507564 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: fahad bader al-buhairi ¦Õ¤ ?¤Ð Ãß??ÝÐÝ
    The token classes correspond to the following regular definitions , except <letter> and digit>, plus... (description truncated) Read More
  • Calendar Program
       471250 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: Omkar & Devendra
    This program prints Weekdays of specified date. It even prints calendar of a given year too.
  • Disk scheduling
       409780 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: Rathish
    this code show how the disk scheduling is done in OS.
  • implementation of circular linked list
       413061 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: rahul roy
    this program is a simple implementation of circular linked list.
  • topological sorting
       403470 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: vrashabh
    here the code for topologiacal sorting of graphs
  • car secletcing using switch
       388884 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: bond
    hi this best way to lear how the swith staemnt executead
  • car secletcing using switch
       385472 Hits Since Jan 2004
       Author: bond
    hi this best way to lear how the swith staemnt executead
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