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Title Database Paging
Description I needed to be able to page through a database of about 1000 records and I was unable to use .AbsolutePage so I had to try something else.
Category ASP » ADO
Hits 369344
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' Assumes:You will need to make a connec ' tion to your own database and re-name to ' records. <%@ Language=VBScript %> <!--#include File="_fpclass/"--> <% gend = CStr(Request.QueryString("gender")) Dim iPageSize 'How many records To show Dim iRecCurrent ' The page we want To show Dim sSQL 'SQL command To execute Dim RecSet 'The ADODB recordset object Dim I 'Standard looping var Dim iRecEnd ' Last Record Dim iRecMax ' Max of record Loop Dim J ' Loop variabel Dim iRecNext ' Var of Next record To start at Dim iRecPrev ' Var of Previous record Dim sGender ' Var For displaying whether Women's or Men's race Dim iNumPage ' Number of pages ' Get parameters iPageSize = 20 ' Retrieve page to show or default to 0 If Request.QueryString("page") = "" Then iRecCurrent = 0 ' First Record Else iRecCurrent = CInt(Request.QueryString("page")) End If ' Assign value to race If gend = "Male" Then sGender = "Men's" Else sGender = "Women's" End If ' SQL statement sSQL = "SELECT * FROM 5KResults WHERE Gender='" sSQL = sSQL & gend & "' ORDER BY Time" Set RecSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RecSet.Open sSQL,"DSN=chiledadsn",adOpenForwardOnly,adLockReadOnly ' Get the count of the records Do While Not RecSet.EOF J = J + 1 RecSet.MoveNext Loop iRecEnd = J -1 ' Get the number of pages iNumPage = CInt(iRecEnd/iPageSize) ' If the request page falls outside the ' acceptable range, ' give them the closest match (0 or max) ' If iRecCurrent > iRecEnd Then iRecCurrent = iRecEnd If iRecCurrent < 0 Then iRecCurrent = 0 If iRecCurrent < iRecEnd Then iRecNext = iRecCurrent + iPageSize Else iRecNext = iRecEnd End If If iRecCurrent > 0 Then iRecPrev = iRecCurrent - iPageSize Else iRecPrev = 0 End If ' Do this so when calling the las page w ' e only loop through ' the number of records we have if less ' than the iPageSize If (iRecNext - iRecEnd ) > 0 Then iRecMax = iRecEnd - iRecCurrent Else iRecMax = iPageSize End If ' Start at the beginning of the database ' RecSet.MoveFirst 'Move to the record we want to start at RecSet.Move(iRecCurrent) ' use this when creating links ' doesn't matter what this page is named ' strScriptName = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %> <% Sub NavBar() Dim iPage Dim iVue Dim sNumbers Dim sPrev Dim sNext Dim sFirst Dim sLast Dim sNavBar Dim iLastPage iLastPage = iRecEnd - iPageSize For i = 0 To (iNumPage - 1) iPage = i * iPageSize iVue = i + 1 sNumbers = sNumbers & NavLink(strScriptName,iPage,gend,iVue) Next If iRecCurrent <> 0 Then sFirst = NavLink(strScriptName,0,gend,"First") sPrev = NavLink(strScriptName,iRecPrev,gend,"Previous") End If If (iRecCurrent + iRecMax) < iRecEnd Then sNext = NavLink(strScriptName,iRecNext,gend,"Next") sLast = NavLink(strScriptName,iLastPage,gend,"Last") End If sNavBar = sNumbers & "<BR>" & sFirst & sPrev & sNext & sLast Response.Write(sNavBar) End Sub %> <% ' Creates the link used by the navigatio ' n sub Function NavLink(scriptName,pageNum,gendr, sWord) Dim strLink strLink = strLink & "<A HREF='" strLink = strLink & scriptName strLink = strLink & "?page=" strLink = strLink & pageNum strLink = strLink & "&gender=" strLink = strLink & gendr strLink = strLink & "'>" strLink = strLink & sWord strLink = strLink & "</A> " NavLink = strLink End Function %> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>5K Race Results </TITLE> <META name="description" content="An example of paging through a database."> <META name="keywords" content="Active Server Pages, ASP, database, paging"> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <BASE target="_top"> <META name="language" content="en-us"> <META name="robots" content="INDEX"> <META name="revisit-after" content="14 days"> <META http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> </HEAD> <BODY> <!-- Database Table --> <H3><% =sGender %> 5K Race</H3> <P><STRONG>Records</STRONG>: <% =iRecCurrent %> - <% = iRecCurrent + iRecMax %> of <% =iRecEnd %></P> <P><% NavBar %></P> <% ' Use these for debugging 'Response.Write ("iRecCurrent: " & iRecC ' urrent & "<BR>") 'Response.Write("iRecEnd: " & iRecEnd & ' "<BR>") 'Response.Write("iRecMax: " & iRecMax & ' "<BR>") 'Response.Write("iRecNext: " & iRecNext ' & "<BR>") 'Response.Write("iRecPrev: " & iRecPrev ' & "<BR>") 'Response.Write(CInt(iRecEnd/iPageSize) ' & "<BR>") %> <TABLE border="0" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="0" width="425px"> <TR bgColor="blue"> <TD style="WIDTH: 130px" width="150" bgcolor="#388C40"><STRONG>Name</STRONG></TD> <TD style="WIDTH: 35px" width="35" bgcolor="#388C40"><STRONG>Age</STRONG></TD> <TD style="WIDTH: 90px" width="150" bgcolor="#388C40"><STRONG>City</STRONG></TD> <TD style="WIDTH: 35px" width="45" bgcolor="#388C40"><STRONG>State</STRONG></TD> <TD style="WIDTH: 50px" width="75" bgcolor="#388C40"><STRONG>Time</STRONG></TD> <TD style="WIDTH: 50px" width="75" bgcolor="#388C40"><STRONG>Pace</STRONG></TD></TR> <% For i = 0 To iRecMax If i Mod 2 Then Response.Write ("<TR bgColor=""#008080""><TD>") Else Response.Write("<TR><TD>") End If Response.Write(RecSet("FirstName") & " ") Response.Write(RecSet("LastName")& "</TD>") Response.Write("<TD>" & RecSet("age") & "</TD>") Response.Write("<TD>" & RecSet("City") & "</TD>") Response.Write("<TD>" & RecSet("State") & "</TD>") Response.Write("<TD>" & RecSet("Time" )& "</TD>") Response.Write("<TD>" & RecSet("Pace") & "</TD>") Response.Write("</TR>") ' Move to the next record RecSet.MoveNext Next ' Clean up after yourself RecSet.Close Set RecSet = Nothing %> </TABLE> <P><% Call NavBar %></P> <!-- End Database Table --> </BODY> </HTML>

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