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Title Speed/Optimization: What about the Driver?
Description Fetching records in an optimized way may have many variations but before you get to the database you interact with a driver. Here we time the difference between arbitrary drivers. We will benchmark with the simplest method: Fetching and displaying all records with a LOOP, .movenext and periodic response.flush commands.
Category ASP » Performance
Hits 378638
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Here Is a table display against a SQL server With a OLEDB driver. <%response.buffer=true%> <HEAD><TITLE>dbtableSQLoledb.asp</TITLE></HEAD> <HTML><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <!--#include virtual="/"--> <!--#include virtual="/learn/test/lib_dbtablefastv2.asp"--> <% Server.ScriptTimeout=240 optimize=optimize_LoopAll mySQL="select * from authors where au_id<2000 order by author " myDSN="PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATA;" myDSN=myDSN & "USER ID=student;PASSWORD=magic;" Call TimerStart Call query2table(mySQL,myDSN,optimize,howmany) Call TimerEnd %> </BODY></HTML> Here Is a table display against a SQL server With a ODBC driver: <%response.buffer=true%> <HEAD><TITLE>dbtableSQLODBC.asp</TITLE></HEAD> <HTML><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <!--#include virtual="/"--> <!--#include virtual="/learn/test/lib_dbtablefastv2.asp"--> <% Server.ScriptTimeout=240 mySQL="select * from authors where au_id<2000 order by author " optimize=optimize_LoopAll myDSN="PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={SQL Server};" myDSN=myDSN & ";UID=student;PWD=magic;" Call TimerStart Call query2table(mySQL,myDSN,optimize,howmany) Call TimerEnd %> </BODY></HTML> Here Is the optimized library lib_dbtablefastv2.asp which achieves this speed: <% Const optimize_LoopAll = 1 Const optimize_GetstringAll = 2 Const optimize_GetrowsAll = 3 Const optimize_GetrowsBuffered = 4 Const optimize_GetStringBuffered = 5 Const optimize_LimitRows = 6 Const optimize_LoopAll_String = 7 Dim optimize_buffersize Dim optimize_started Dim optimize_ended Dim optimize_SQL Dim optimize_DSN Dim optimize_howmany Dim optimize_cursorlocation Dim optimize_maxrecs Dim optimize_disconnectRS optimize_started=0 ' performance stuff optimize_buffersize=200 'optimize_cursorlocation=aduseclient optimize_maxrecs=500 optimize_cursorlocation=aduseserver optimize_disconnectRS=False optimize_stringwrite=False Sub TimerStart() optimize_started=Now() End Sub Sub TimerEnd() optimize_ended=Now() elapsed=DateDiff("s", optimize_started, optimize_ended) Response.Write "SQL=<b>" & optimize_SQL & "</b><br>" Response.Write "DSN=<b>" & optimize_DSN & "</b><br>" Response.Write "Query took <b>" & elapsed & " seconds.</b><br>" If optimize_howmany=-1 Then optimize_howmany=querycount(optimize_DSN,optimize_SQL) End If Response.Write "Query processed <b>" & optimize_howmany & " records.</b><br>" Response.Write "Speed =<b>" & optimize_howmany/elapsed & " records per second.</b><br>" Response.Write "Notes:<br>" pad="    " Response.Write pad & "buffersize=<b>" & optimize_buffersize & "</b><br>" If optimize_cursorlocation=adUseClient Then Response.Write pad & "cursorlocation=<b>adUseClient</b><br>" End If If optimize_cursorlocation=adUseServer Then Response.Write pad & "cursorlocation=<b>adUseServer</b><br>" End If End Sub Sub query2table(parmQuery, parmDSN,parmMethod,parmcount) ' method 1 = standard ' method 2 = getrows ' method 3 = getstring Dim howmany Select Case parmMethod Case 1 Call loopStandard(parmQuery,parmDSN,howmany) Case 2 Call loopGetString(parmQuery,parmDSN,howmany) Case 3 Call loopGetRows(parmQuery,parmDSN,howmany) Case 4 Call loopGetRowsBuffered(parmQuery,parmDSN,howmany) Case 5 Call loopGetStringBuffered(parmQuery,parmDSN,howmany) Case 6 Call LimitRows(parmQuery,parmDSN,howmany) Case 7 Call loopStandardStringWrite(parmQuery,parmDSN,howmany) Case Else Response.Write "1, 2 or 3 are only valid speedmethods" End Select parmcount=howmany If optimize_started<>0 Then optimize_DSN=parmDSN optimize_SQL=parmquery optimize_howmany=parmcount End If End Sub Function querycount(parmDSN,parmQuery) Set rstemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.Recordset") parmQuery, parmDSN, adopenstatic querycount=rstemp.recordcount rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing End Function Sub loopstandard(inputquery, inputDSN,inputcount) Dim conntemp, rstemp Set conntemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") ' 0 seconds means wait forever, default is 15 conntemp.connectiontimeout=0 conntemp.cursorlocation=optimize_cursorlocation inputDSN Set rstemp=conntemp.execute(inputquery) If optimize_disconnectRS=True Then conntemp.close End If howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 tablestart="<table border=1 cols=3><col width='15%'><col width='70%'><col width='15%'><tr>" Response.Write tablestart For i=0 To howmanyfields %> <td><b><%=rstemp(i).name%></B></TD> <% Next %> </tr> <% ' Now lets grab all the records Do UNTIL rstemp.eof counter=counter+1 Response.Write "<tr>" For i = 0 To howmanyfields thisvalue=rstemp(i) If IsNull(thisvalue) Then thisvalue=" " End If Response.Write "<td valign=top>" & thisvalue & "</td>" & vbCrLf Next Response.Write "</tr>" rstemp.movenext If counter Mod 50=0 Then If Response.IsClientConnected()=False Then Exit Do End If Response.Write "</table>" & TableStart End If loop%> </table> <% inputcount=counter rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing conntemp.close Set conntemp=Nothing End SUB%> <%SUB loopstandardStringWrite(inputquery, inputDSN,inputcount) Dim conntemp, rstemp Set conntemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") ' 0 seconds means wait forever, default is 15 conntemp.connectiontimeout=0 conntemp.cursorlocation=optimize_cursorlocation inputDSN Set rstemp=conntemp.execute(inputquery) If optimize_disconnectRS=True Then conntemp.close End If howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 tablestart="<table border=1 cols=3><col width='15%'><col width='70%'><col width='15%'><tr>" Response.Write tablestart For i=0 To howmanyfields %> <td><b><%=rstemp(i).name%></B></TD> <% Next %> </tr> <% ' Now lets grab all the records tempSTR="" Do UNTIL rstemp.eof counter=counter+1 tempSTR=tempSTR & "<tr>" For i = 0 To howmanyfields thisvalue=rstemp(i) If IsNull(thisvalue) Then thisvalue=" " End If tempSTR=tempSTR & "<td valign=top>" & thisvalue & "</td>" & vbCrLf Next tempSTR=tempSTR & "</tr>" rstemp.movenext If counter Mod 50=0 Then If Response.IsClientConnected()=False Then Exit Do End If tempSTR=tempSTR & "</table>" & TableStart Response.Write tempSTR Response.Flush tempSTR="" End If loop%> </table> <% inputcount=counter rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing conntemp.close Set conntemp=Nothing End SUB%> <%SUB loopGetstring(inputquery, inputDSN,inputcount) Dim conntemp, rstemp Set conntemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") ' 0 seconds means wait forever, default is 15 conntemp.connectiontimeout=0 inputDSN Set rstemp=conntemp.execute(inputquery) howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 tablestart="<table border=1 cols=3><col width='15%'><col width='70%'><col width='15%'><tr>" Response.Write tablestart For i=0 To howmanyfields %> <td><b><%=rstemp(i).name%></B></TD> <% Next %> </tr> <% ' Now lets grab all the records tempSTR=rstemp.getstring(,, "</td><td>", "</td></tr><TR><TD>", " ") Response.Write tempSTR Response.Write "</table>" inputcount=-1 rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing conntemp.close Set conntemp=Nothing End SUB%> <%SUB loopGetstringbuffered(inputquery, inputDSN,inputcount) Dim conntemp, rstemp Set conntemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") ' 0 seconds means wait forever, default is 15 conntemp.connectiontimeout=0 inputDSN Set rstemp=conntemp.execute(inputquery) howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 tablestart="<table border=1 cols=3><col width='15%'><col width='70%'><col width='15%'><tr>" Response.Write tablestart For i=0 To howmanyfields %> <td><b><%=rstemp(i).name%></B></TD> <% Next %> </tr> <% ' Now lets grab all the records Do tempSTR=rstemp.getstring(,optimize_buffersize, "</td><td>", "</td></tr><TR><TD>", " ") Response.Write tempSTR If Response.IsClientConnected()=False Then Exit Sub End If Response.Write "</table>" & TableStart Loop UNTIL rstemp.eof Response.Write "</table>" inputcount=-1 rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing conntemp.close Set conntemp=Nothing End Sub Sub loopGetRows(inputquery, inputDSN,inputcount) Dim conntemp, rstemp Set conntemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") ' 0 seconds means wait forever, default is 15 conntemp.connectiontimeout=0 inputDSN Set rstemp=conntemp.execute(inputquery) howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 tablestart="<table border=1 cols=3><col width='15%'><col width='70%'><col width='15%'><tr>" Response.Write tablestart For i=0 To howmanyfields %> <td><b><%=rstemp(i).name%></B></TD> <% Next %> </tr> <% ' Now lets grab all the records alldata=rstemp.getrows numcols=UBound(alldata,1) numrows=UBound(alldata,2) For rowcounter= 0 To numrows For colcounter=0 To numcols Response.Write "<td valign=top>" Response.Write alldata(colcounter,rowcounter) Response.Write "</td>" Next Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf If rowcounter Mod 50=0 Then If Response.IsClientConnected()=False Then Exit For End If Response.Write "</table>" & TableStart End If Next Response.Write "</table>" inputcount=numrows rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing conntemp.close Set conntemp=Nothing End Sub Sub loopGetRowsBuffered(inputquery, inputDSN,inputcount) Dim conntemp, rstemp Set conntemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") ' 0 seconds means wait forever, default is 15 conntemp.connectiontimeout=0 inputDSN Set rstemp=conntemp.execute(inputquery) howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 tablestart="<table border=1 cols=3><col width='15%'><col width='70%'><col width='15%'><tr>" Response.Write tablestart For i=0 To howmanyfields %> <td><b><%=rstemp(i).name%></B></TD> <% Next %> </tr> <% ' Now lets grab all the records Do alldata=rstemp.getrows(optimize_buffersize) numcols=UBound(alldata,1) numrows=UBound(alldata,2) For rowcounter= 0 To numrows For colcounter=0 To numcols Response.Write "<td valign=top>" Response.Write alldata(colcounter,rowcounter) Response.Write "</td>" Next Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf Next howmany=howmany+numrows If Response.IsClientConnected()=False Then Exit Sub End If Response.Write "</table>" & TableStart Loop UNTIL rstemp.eof Response.Write "</table>" inputcount=howmany rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing conntemp.close Set conntemp=Nothing End Sub Sub LimitRows(inputquery, inputDSN,inputcount) Set rstemp=Server.CreateObject("adodb.Recordset") rstemp.maxrecords=optimize_maxrecs ' inputquery, inputDSN, adopenforwardonly, adlockReadOnly inputquery, inputDSN,adopenstatic howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1 tablestart="<table border=1 cols=3><col width='15%'><col width='70%'><col width='15%'><tr>" Response.Write tablestart For i=0 To howmanyfields %> <td><b><%=rstemp(i).name%></B></TD> <% Next %> </tr> <% Response.Flush tempSTR=rstemp.getstring(,, "</td><td>", "</td></tr><TR><TD>", " ") Response.Write tempSTR Response.Write "</td></tr></table>" inputcount=optimize_maxrecs rstemp.close Set rstemp=Nothing End Sub Function optimizationName(parmNum) Select Case parmnum Case optimize_LoopAll optimizationName="LoopAll" Case optimize_GetstringAll optimizationName="GetstringAll" Case optimize_GetrowsAll optimizationName="GetrowsAll" Case optimize_GetrowsBuffered optimizationName="GetrowsBuffered" Case optimize_GetStringBuffered optimizationName="GetStringBuffered" Case optimize_LimitRows optimizationName="LimitRows" Case Else optimizationName="undefined" End Select End Function %>

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