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Title Simple game using Data Structures
Author Nakul T
Author Email scon16 [at]
Description Implementation of a simple Snake program using Linked lists.
Category C » Data Structures
Hits 394704
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Code : # include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> # include <graphics.h> # include <alloc.h> # include <dos.h> # include <stdlib.h> # define up 72 # define down 80 # define left 75 # define right 77 # define pause 25 # define space 57 # define settings 31 struct body { int x,y; struct body *next; }; typedef struct body body; void create_snake(body*); void show_settings(); void draw_borders(); void draw_egg(); void draw_snake(); void status_bar(); void draw_head(); void erase_tail(); void disp_gameover(); int getkey(); int check_snake(int,int); body *head,*tail; int dir=1; int speed=100; int leftx,rightx,topx,bottomx; int color = RED,fil_style=1,bor_color=BLACK,size = 10; int score=0,egg_drawn=0,jump = 9; int preveggx,preveggy; void far *egg; char scr[15]; int eggx,eggy; void main() { int gm=DETECT,gd; int key=0,num; struct time tim; void move_snake_right(); void move_snake_down(); void move_snake_left(); void move_snake_up(); initgraph(&gm,&gm,"g:\tc\bgi"); leftx=(size*2-1); rightx=getmaxx()-(size*2); topx=(size*2-1); bottomx = getmaxy()-40; setcolor(YELLOW); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,YELLOW); fillellipse(10,10,size/3,size/2); egg = farmalloc(imagesize(10-size/2,10-size/2,10+size/2,10+size/2)); if(egg ==NULL) { printf("Insufficient Memory!"); exit(0); } getimage(10-size/2,10-size/2,10+size/2,10+size/2,egg); draw_borders(); create_snake(head); start: fflush(stdin); flushall(); while(!kbhit()) { delay(speed); if(egg_drawn==0) { status_bar(); eggx=eggy=0; repeat: gettime(&tim); num = (int)(tim.ti_hund)*(int)(tim.ti_sec); num = num%(rightx-leftx)/size; eggx=num; num = (int)(tim.ti_hund)*(int)tim.ti_sec; num = num%(bottomx-topx)/size; eggy=num; if(check_snake(eggx,eggy)) goto repeat; eggx =leftx+(eggx*size); eggy =topx+(eggy*size); preveggx =leftx+(eggx*size); preveggy =topx+(eggy*size); } draw_egg(eggx,eggy); switch(dir) { case 1:move_snake_right(); break; case 2:move_snake_down(); break; case 3:move_snake_left(); break; case 4:move_snake_up(); } } key = getkey(); switch(key) { case up:if(dir!=2) dir = 4; break; case down:if(dir!=4) dir = 2; break; case right:if(dir!=3) dir = 1; break; case left:if(dir!=1) dir = 3; break; case pause:getch(); break; case settings:show_settings(); setfillstyle(EMPTY_FILL,color); bar(leftx,topx,rightx,bottomx); draw_snake(); break; case 1:closegraph(); exit(0); } goto start; } int getkey() { union REGS i,o; i.h.ah = 0; int86(0x16,&i,&o); return o.h.ah; } void draw_borders() { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); floodfill(300,300,1); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLACK); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(leftx,topx,rightx,bottomx); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLACK); floodfill(300,300,BLACK); rectangle(leftx,bottomx+5,rightx,getmaxy()-5); } void create_snake() { body *x; setfillstyle(fil_style,color); setcolor(bor_color); if((x = malloc(sizeof(body)))==NULL) { printf("Short of memory!"); return; } x->x = size*3+leftx; x->y = topx; head = x; bar(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); rectangle(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); if((x->next = malloc(sizeof(body)))==NULL) { printf("Short of memory!"); return; } x = x->next; x->x = size*2+leftx; x->y = topx; bar(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); rectangle(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); if((x->next = malloc(sizeof(body)))==NULL) { printf("Short of memory!"); return; } x = x->next; x->x = size+leftx; x->y = topx; bar(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); rectangle(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); if((x->next = malloc(sizeof(body)))==NULL) { printf("Short of memory!"); return; } x = x->next; x->x = leftx; x->y = topx; bar(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); rectangle(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); x->next = NULL; tail = x; } void move_snake_right() { body *x; int nextx,nexty; nexty = head->y; if(head->x+size>=rightx) nextx = leftx; else nextx = head->x+size; if(check_snake(nextx,nexty)==1) { disp_gameover(); } if(nextx == eggx&&nexty == eggy) { egg_drawn=0; score+=jump; x = malloc(sizeof(body)); if(x==NULL) { printf("Insufficient Memory!"); exit(0); } x->x = nextx; x->y = nexty; x->next = head; head = x; draw_head(); } else { erase_tail(); x = head; while((x->next)->next !=NULL) x = x->next; x->next = NULL; tail->x = nextx; tail->y = nexty; tail->next = head; head = tail; tail = x; draw_head(); } } void move_snake_left() { body *x; int nextx,nexty; if(head->x-size<leftx) nextx = rightx-size; else nextx = head->x-size; nexty = head->y; if(check_snake(nextx,nexty)==1) { disp_gameover(); } if(nextx==eggx&&nexty==eggy) { egg_drawn=0; score+=jump; x = malloc(sizeof(body)); if(x==NULL) { printf("Insufficient Memory!"); exit(0); } x->x = nextx; x->y = nexty; x->next = head; head = x; draw_head(); } else { erase_tail(); x = head; while((x->next)->next !=NULL) x = x->next; x->next = NULL; tail->x = nextx; tail->y = nexty; tail->next = head; head = tail; tail = x; draw_head(); } } void move_snake_up() { body *x; int nextx,nexty; if(head->y-size<topx) nexty = bottomx-size; else nexty = head->y-size; nextx = head->x; if(check_snake(nextx,nexty)==1) { disp_gameover(); } if(nextx==eggx&&nexty==eggy) { egg_drawn=0; score+=jump; x = malloc(sizeof(body)); if(x==NULL) { printf("Insufficient Memory!"); exit(0); } x->x = nextx; x->y = nexty; x->next = head; head = x; draw_head(); } else { erase_tail(); x = head; while((x->next)->next !=NULL) x = x->next; x->next = NULL; tail->x = nextx; tail->y = nexty; tail->next = head; head = tail; tail = x; draw_head(); } } void move_snake_down() { body *x; int nextx,nexty; if(head->y+size>=bottomx) nexty = topx; else nexty = head->y+size; nextx = head->x; if(check_snake(nextx,nexty)==1) { disp_gameover(); } if(nextx==eggx&&nexty==eggy) { egg_drawn=0; score+=jump; x = malloc(sizeof(body)); if(x==NULL) { printf("Insufficient Memory!"); exit(0); } x->x = nextx; x->y = nexty; x->next = head; head = x; draw_head(); } else { erase_tail(); x = head; while((x->next)->next !=NULL) x = x->next; x->next = NULL; tail->x = nextx; tail->y = nexty; tail->next = head; head = tail; tail = x; draw_head(); } } void draw_egg(int x,int y) { putimage(x,y,egg,COPY_PUT); egg_drawn = 1; } void status_bar() { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); bar(leftx+1,bottomx+4,rightx-1,getmaxy()-6); sprintf(scr,"Score:%d",score); setcolor(RED); settextstyle(2,0,6); outtextxy(leftx+5,bottomx+10,scr); outtextxy(rightx-75,bottomx+10,"S"); setcolor(DARKGRAY); outtextxy(rightx-66,bottomx+10,"ettings"); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(rightx-150,bottomx+10,"P"); setcolor(DARKGRAY); outtextxy(rightx-142,bottomx+10,"ause"); } void draw_head() { setfillstyle(fil_style,color); bar(head->x,head->y,head->x+size,head->y+size); setcolor(bor_color); rectangle(head->x,head->y,head->x+size,head->y+size); } void erase_tail() { setfillstyle(EMPTY_FILL,color); bar(tail->x,tail->y,tail->x+size,tail->y+size); } int check_snake(int x,int y) { body *z; z = head; while(z->next!=NULL) { if(z->x==x&&z->y==y) return 1; z=z->next; } if(z->x==x&&z->y==y) return 1; return 0; } void disp_gameover() { int x1,x2,y1,y2; x1 = getmaxx()/2-100; y1 = getmaxy()/2-65; x2 = getmaxx()/2+100; y2 = getmaxy()/2+65; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,9); bar(x1,y1,x2-30,y2-75); setcolor(YELLOW); settextstyle(3,0,3); outtextxy(x1+10,y1+10,"GAME OVER!!"); getch(); closegraph(); exit(0); } void show_settings() { int key=0,maxspeed=25,least = 145; int x1,y1,x2,y2,width; int no,i; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); x1 = (getmaxx()+1)/2-150; x2 = (getmaxx()+1)/2+150; y1 = (getmaxy()+1)/2-150; y2 = (getmaxy()+1)/2+150; setcolor(BLUE); bar3d(x1,y1,x2,y2,20,1); settextstyle(2,0,6); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(x1+20,y1+100,"Speed:"); outtextxy(x1+85,y1+95,"-"); outtextxy(x2-10,y1+95,"+"); outtextxy(x1+20,y1+150," Use the left and right"); outtextxy(x1+20,y1+180,"arrow keys to increase and "); outtextxy(x1+20,y1+210," decrease the speed "); outtextxy(x1+20,y1+240,"Press escape to return"); outtextxy(x1+20,y1+270," to the game"); setcolor(BLUE); line(x1+100,y1+120,x2-20,y1+120); line(x1+100,y1+120,x1+100,y1+90); line(x2-20,y1+120,x2-20,y1+90); width = ((x2-20)-(x1+100))/8; start: setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); for(i=1;i<=no;i++) { bar(x1+100+1,y1+90+1,x1+100+(i*width)-1,y1+120-1); setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(x1+100+1,y1+90+1,x1+100+(i*width)-1,y1+120-1); } no = (speed-25)/15; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); for(i=1;i<=no;i++) { bar(x1+100+1,y1+90+1,x1+100+(i*width)-1,y1+120-1); setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); rectangle(x1+100+1,y1+90+1,x1+100+(i*width)-1,y1+120-1); } def: key = getkey(); switch(key) { case right:if(speed<least) speed+=15; goto start; case left:if(speed>maxspeed) speed-=25; goto start; case 1:return; default:goto def; } } void draw_snake() { body *x; x = head; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,color); setcolor(bor_color); while(x->next!=NULL) { bar(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); rectangle(x->x,x->y,x->x+size,x->y+size); x = x->next; } }

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