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Title Rapid Roll game
Author subrahmanyeswararao
Author Email yerrasubbumca [at]
Description I developed this game in JAVA using AWT and THREADS
Use left and right arrows to play the game. Give me feedback on my coding
Category Java » Multithreading
Hits 431688
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import java.awt.*; //CHANGE THE scrollSpeed value if it import java.awt.event.*; //to run the thread with more speed import java.util.*; import*; class HighSc { int hsc; BufferedReader br; FileInputStream fis; String sths; public String getHighScore() throws IOException { fis = new FileInputStream("highscore.txt"); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); sths = br.readLine(); fis.close(); return sths; } } class GameFrame extends Frame implements Runnable, KeyListener ,ActionListener { MenuBar mb; Menu m1; MenuItem mi1,mi2,mi3,mi4,mi5,mi6; Button b1,b2,b3; Button ball; Button oneUp; final int TOPLINE = 50; final int BOTTOMLINE = 350; final int LEFTLINE = 20; final int RIGHTLINE = 350 ; int scrollSpeed = 25; int x=50, y=300; int x2=125,y2=200; int x3 = 90,y3=100; int bx = 80; int by = 239; int ox = 0; int oy = 0; int score = 0; int oneUpCount = 1; int t1,t2,t3; int chances=3; int a,b,c; int diff = 65; String msg = ""; String chns = ""; String st = ""; char ch; int kcode; boolean flagLKey = true; boolean flagRKey = true; boolean flagTop1 = false; boolean flagTop2 = false; boolean flagTop3 = false; boolean flagDrop = true; boolean flagMove = true; boolean flagBetween = true; boolean flagOnx = true; boolean flagOnx2 = false; boolean flagOnx3 = false; boolean flagJump = true; boolean flagNew1 = false; boolean flagOneUp = false; Thread t; GameFrame() { mb = new MenuBar(); m1 = new Menu("File"); mi1 = new MenuItem("New Game"); mi2 = new MenuItem("HighScores"); mi3 = new MenuItem("Exit"); setMenuBar(mb); mb.add(m1); m1.add(mi1); m1.add(mi2); m1.add(mi3); setTitle("simple frame"); setSize(400,350); setLayout(null); b1 = new Button(""); b2 = new Button(""); b3 = new Button(""); ball = new Button("o"); oneUp = new Button("0"); add(ball); add(b1); add(b2); add(b3); add(oneUp); b1.setBounds(x,y,70,20); b2.setBounds(x2,y2,70,20); b3.setBounds(x3,y3,70,20); ball.setBounds(bx,by,10,10); oneUp.setBounds(bx-5,by,5,5); setBackground(; setForeground(Color.white); ball.addKeyListener(this); mi1.addActionListener(this); mi2.addActionListener(this); mi3.addActionListener(this); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { closeAll(); } }); t = new Thread(this,"game"); t.start(); } //end of constructor public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { st = ae.getActionCommand(); if(st.equals("New Game")) { stop();this.setVisible(false); Frame ng = new GameFrame(); ng.setVisible(true); } else if(st.equals("HighScores")) { HighSc hs = new HighSc(); try { msg = ""; msg = hs.getHighScore(); repaint(); } catch(IOException ie) { System.out.println(ie); } } else if(st.equals("Exit")) { closeAll(); } } public void closeAll() { stop(); t = null; System.exit(0); } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) { kcode = ke.getKeyCode(); switch(kcode) { case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: if(flagDrop) bx -= 4; if(ox<=bx+2&&ox>=bx&&(oy>=by&&oy<=by+6)) { chances++;ox = 0;oy = 0; repaint(); flagOneUp = false; } while(flagLKey) { if(((bx>=x&&bx<=x+70)&&(by<y&&by>=y-11)) ||((bx>=x2&&bx<=x2+70)&&(by<y2&&by>=y2-11)) ||((bx>=x3&&bx<=x3+70)&&(by<y3&&by>=y3-11))) { flagBetween = true; bx -= 2; flagDrop = false; } else { flagDrop = true; flagBetween = false; if(flagOnx) flagOnx = false; else if(flagOnx2) flagOnx2 = false; else if(flagOnx3) flagOnx3 = false; break; } repaint(); break; } break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: if(flagDrop) bx +=4; if(ox<=bx+2&&ox>=bx&&(oy>=by&&oy<=by+6)) { chances++; ox = 0; oy = 0; repaint(); flagOneUp = false; } while(flagRKey) { if(((bx>=x&&bx<=x+70)&&(by<y&&by>=y-11)) ||((bx>=x2&&bx<=x2+70)&&(by<y2&&by>=y2-11)) ||((bx>=x3&&bx<=x3+70)&&(by<y3&&by>=y3-11))) { bx += 2; flagBetween = true; flagDrop = false; repaint(); break; } else { flagBetween = false; flagDrop = true; if(flagOnx) flagOnx = false; else if(flagOnx2) flagOnx2 = false; else if(flagOnx3) flagOnx3 = false; break; } } break; } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke) { if(bx<LEFTLINE) { flagLKey = false; flagRKey = true; } else if(bx>BOTTOMLINE) { flagRKey = false; flagLKey = true; } else { flagLKey = true; flagRKey = true; } } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke) { } public void flagDropFun() { while(flagDrop) { by += 1; if(((bx>=x&&bx<=x+70)&&(by<y&&by>=y-11)) ||((bx>=x2&&bx<=x2+70)&&(by<y2&&by>=y2-11)) ||((bx>=x3&&bx<=x3+70)&&(by<y3&&by>=y3-11))) { flagDrop = false; flagBetween = true; if(!flagOnx2&&!flagOnx3&&(bx>=x&&bx<=x+70)&&(by<y&&by>=y-11)) { flagOnx = true; flagJump = true;score +=5; flagOnx2 = false; flagOnx3 = false; } else if(!flagOnx&&!flagOnx3&&(bx>=x2&&bx<=x2+70)&&(by<y2&&by>=y2-11)) { flagOnx2 = true; flagJump = true; score += 5; flagOnx = false; flagOnx3 = false; } else if(!flagOnx&&!flagOnx2&&(bx>=x3&&bx<=x3+70)&&(by<y3&&by>=y3-11)) { flagOnx3 = true; flagJump = true; score +=5; flagOnx = false; flagOnx2 = false; } else { flagOnx = false; flagOnx2 = false; flagOnx3 = false; } } repaint(); break; } } public void run() { try { while(flagMove) { while(flagDrop) { flagDropFun();break; } a = (int)(Math.random()*100); b = (int)(Math.random()*100); c = (int)(Math.random()*10); if(y<TOPLINE||y2<TOPLINE||y3<TOPLINE) { oneUpCount++; if(oy<TOPLINE) { ox=0; oy =0; flagOneUp = false; } } if(y<TOPLINE) { x = a+b+c; y = y2+100; if(by<TOPLINE-11||flagNew1) { bx = x+30; by = y-11; flagNew1 = false; flagOnx = true; flagBetween = true; } } else if(y2<TOPLINE) { x2 = a+b+c; y2 = y3+100; if(by<39||flagNew1) { bx = x2+30; by = y2-11; flagNew1 = false; flagOnx2 = true; flagBetween = true; } } else if(y3<TOPLINE) { x3 = a+b+c; y3 = y+100; if(by<39||flagNew1) { bx = x3+30; by = y3-11; flagOnx3 = true; flagNew1 = false; flagOnx3 = true; flagBetween = true; } } y -= 1; y2 -=1; y3 -= 1; if(flagOneUp) { if(t2==1) { ox = x+t2+t3; oy = y-5; } else if(t2==2) { ox = x2+t2+t3; oy = y2-5; } else if(t2==3) { ox = x3+t2+t3; oy = y3-5; } } if(oneUpCount==7) { t1 =(int)(Math.random()*10); t3 = (int)(Math.random()*10); t2 = (int)(t1/3)+1; flagOneUp = true; oneUpCount = 1; } if(by<TOPLINE) { if(by<TOPLINE-10) { t.sleep(100); chances--; } if(chances==0) { msg = "Game Over"; repaint(); stop(); } } if((flagOnx&&flagBetween)) { if(!flagLKey&&!flagRKey) { bx = x+30; } by = y-11; flagJump = false; } else if((flagOnx2&&flagBetween)) { if(!flagLKey&&!flagRKey) bx = x2+30; by = y2-11; flagJump = false; } else if(flagOnx3&&flagBetween) { if(!flagLKey&&!flagRKey) bx = x3+30; by = y3-11; flagJump = false; } while(flagDrop) { by += 1; if(by>BOTTOMLINE) { chances--; flagNew1 = true; flagDrop = false; t.sleep(100); if(chances == 0) { msg = "Game Over"; repaint(); stop(); } } repaint(); break; } /* if(score%50==0) { scrollSpeed -= 3; score += 5; } */ repaint(); Thread.sleep(scrollSpeed); } //end of while flagMove } catch(InterruptedException ie) { System.out.println(ie); } } public void stop() { flagMove = false; t = null; } public void paint(Graphics g) { b1.setBounds(x,y,70,20); b2.setBounds(x2,y2,70,20); b3.setBounds(x3,y3,70,20); ball.setBounds(bx,by,10,10); oneUp.setBounds(ox,oy,5,5); g.drawString("Score :"+score,280,65); g.drawString("Chances :"+chances,280,75); g.drawString(msg,100,100); } } // end of BFrame public class RapidRollGame { public static void main(String []args) { Frame f1 = new GameFrame(); f1.setVisible(true); } }

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