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Title Spider Object
Description The Spider Object returns information about a web page from an outside server. The Spider object is used to parse the content returned by a web page after it is retrieved. By calling the various methods of the Spider object, you can effectively read and save parts of a web page for further reference. The spider object requires you to install a free java class file (IOSockets.class) onto your server. The installation instructions and java files can be found here: Properties and methods for spider can be found in the source code.
Category ASP » Components
Hits 370475
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<% Class spider '################################################################### ' The ASP Emporium ' Spider Object v2.0 ' Last Modified: 2/6/2001 ' ' ' Purpose ' The spider object allows a VBScript programmer to use sockets ' to access the html and headers returned by the target server ' for a given URL. ' ' ' Properties '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ '| property name | data type | notes | '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' URL variant (string) sets/returns the URL to ' retrieve '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' ErrorMsg variant (string) read only. returns the error ' message of the java com object. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. Will ' contain empty string "" if there ' is no error. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' RawHTMLStream variant (string) read only. returns the html ' and headers returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' HTML variant (string) read only. returns the html ' returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' AllHeaders variant (string) read only. returns all ' headers returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' HeaderNames variant (array) read only. returns array of ' header names returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' HeaderValues variant (array) read only. returns array of ' header values returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' HeaderCount variant (long) read only. returns count of all ' header/value pairs returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' AllMetaTags variant (string) read only. returns all ' meta tags returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' MetaTagNames variant (array) read only. returns array of ' meta tag names returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' MetaTagValues variant (array) read only. returns array of ' meta tag values returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' MetaTagCount variant (long) read only. returns count of all ' meta tag name/value pairs ' returned by URL. ' Only contains data after the ' fetch method is called. '+---------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' ' ' Methods '+---------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ '| method name | data type | notes | '+---------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' Fetch void visits the URL specified in ' the URL property and fills ' all read only properties ' with information about the ' URL's contents. '+---------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' GetHeaderValueByName(name) variant (string) returns the header value of ' the header name specified in ' the name argument. If name is ' not found empty string "" is ' returned. Only contains data ' after the fetch method is ' called. '+---------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' GetMetaTagValueByName(name) variant (string) returns the meta tag value of ' the meta tag name specified in ' the name argument. If name is ' not found empty string "" is ' returned. Only contains data ' after the fetch method is ' called. '+---------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+ ' ' ' Requirements ' requires: VBScript 5.5 ' SCRRUN.DLL - Scripting Run Time Library ' IOSockets.class java com object (provided with this class) ' '################################################################### '--------------------------- 'private class scope variables '--------------------------- Private sRawHTMLStream 'holds the html and headers returned from a given url Private sErrorMsg 'holds the error message returned by the java object Private d, d2 'holds class scope dictionary object reference Private sRawMetaTags 'holds raw meta tags '--------------------------- 'public read/write properties '--------------------------- 'url to retrieve Public url '--------------------------- 'public methods '--------------------------- Public Sub fetch() 'exposes the private GetWebPage function If url <> "" Then getwebpage End Sub Public Function getheadervaluebyname(ByVal sheadername) 'returns variant (string) containing the header value 'of the corresponding header name (if any) If d.exists(LCase(sheadername)) Then getheadervaluebyname = d.item(LCase(sheadername)) End If End Function Public Function getmetatagvaluebyname(ByVal stagname) 'returns variant (string) containing the metatag value 'of the corresponding tag name (if any) If d2.exists(LCase(stagname)) Then getmetatagvaluebyname = d2.item(LCase(stagname)) End If End Function '--------------------------- 'public read only properties '--------------------------- Public Property Get rawhtmlstream 'returns variant (string) containing html and 'header stream returned from a given URL rawhtmlstream = srawhtmlstream End Property Public Property Get html 'returns variant (string) containing html 'stream returned from a given URL Dim max max = InStr(1, srawhtmlstream, Chr(10) & Chr(10), 1) html = Mid(srawhtmlstream, max + 1) End Property Public Property Get errormsg 'returns variant (string) containing error 'message returned from java object (if any) errormsg = serrormsg End Property Public Property Get headernames 'returns variant (array) containing all header names 'returned from a given URL headernames = d.keys End Property Public Property Get headervalues 'returns variant (array) containing all header values 'returned from a given URL headervalues = d.items End Property Public Property Get headercount 'returns variant (long) containing the count 'of all header name/value pairs returned from 'a given URL headercount = d.count End Property Public Property Get allheaders 'returns variant (string) containing headers 'returned from a given URL Dim max max = InStr(1, srawhtmlstream, Chr(10) & Chr(10), 1) If max <> 0 Then allheaders = Left(srawhtmlstream, max - 1) Else allheaders = "" End If End Property Public Property Get allmetatags 'returns a string of meta tags allmetatags = srawmetatags End Property Public Property Get metatagnames 'returns variant (array) containing all meta tag names 'returned from a given URL metatagnames = d2.keys End Property Public Property Get metatagvalues 'returns variant (array) containing all meta tag values 'returned from a given URL metatagvalues = d2.items End Property Public Property Get metatagcount 'returns variant (long) containing the count 'of all meta tag name/value pairs returned from 'a given URL metatagcount = d2.count End Property '--------------------------- 'class events '--------------------------- Private Sub class_initialize() 'make the dictionary available to all routines 'within the class scope Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") Set d2 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") d.removeall d2.removeall End Sub Private Sub class_terminate() 'clean up the dictionary Set d = Nothing Set d2 = Nothing End Sub '--------------------------- 'private class routines '--------------------------- Private Sub filldictionary_headers 'fills dictionary object with header name/value pairs Dim sheaders, vtmp, header Dim s, i, j, a, b, bnoadd bnoadd = False sheaders = allheaders vtmp = Split(sheaders, Chr(10)) j = 0 On Error Resume Next For Each header In vtmp a = "" b = "" If j = 0 Then a = "status" b = Trim(header) Else s = header i = InStr(1, s, ":", 1) If i <> 0 Then a = LCase(Left(s, i - 1)) b = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1)) Else bnoadd = True End If End If If Not bnoadd Then d.add a, b j = j + 1 Next End Sub Private Sub filldictionary_meta(ByVal key, ByVal item) 'fills dictionary object with meta tag name/value pairs On Error Resume Next d2.add LCase(key), item End Sub Private Sub resolvemetatags 'resolve meta tags from html stream Dim re, omatches, metatag Set re = New regexp re.pattern = "<meta (http-equiv|name)=""?([a-za-z0-9_-]+)""? " & _ "content=""?([ws.'-[]]+)""? ?/?>" re.ignorecase = True = True Set omatches = re.execute(srawhtmlstream) For Each metatag In omatches 'response.write "<PRE>" & server.htmlencode(MetaTag) & "</PRE>" srawmetatags = srawmetatags & metatag & vbCrLf 'response.write "meta type -> " & MetaTag.SubMatches(0) & "<BR>" 'response.write "meta name -> " & MetaTag.SubMatches(1) & "<BR>" 'response.write "meta content -> " & MetaTag.SubMatches(2) & "<BR>" filldictionary_meta metatag.submatches(1), metatag.submatches(2) Next Set omatches = Nothing Set re = Nothing End Sub Private Sub getwebpage() 'calls the java com object and 'gathers the http stream returned 'for a given url and sets the read 'only properties exposed by the class Dim a, surl If url <> "" Then surl = url On Error Resume Next Set a = GetObject("java:iosockets") If err Then serrormsg = "iosockets.class is not in the " & _ "<small><i>java rustlib</i></small> " & _ "library on the server." Exit Sub End If On Error goto 0 With a .url = surl .fetchurl() If .errormsg <> "" Then serrormsg = .errormsg Else srawhtmlstream = .rawhtmlreturned filldictionary_headers resolvemetatags End If End With Set a = Nothing End If End Sub End Class %>

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