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Title VBScript Cookie/Counter
Description Not only does this sample show you how to create a counter, but more impotantly, it shows you how to create a cookie, which in todays world is a MUST HAVE tool. Cookies are anywhere and everywhere, they can store all kinds of information too, all you have to do is add an extra line (textline/field) in the file for each piece of information that you wish to persist.
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Hits 370083
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1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the last code into the BODY of your HTML document STEP 1 Be sure To enclose the code below In SCRIPT tags, both start And End are required. 'The name of the subroutine Sub CookieActions 'declare the constants which we will use ' Const ForReading=1, ForWriting=2, TristateFalse=0 'declare the local variables which we wi ' ll use 'fso = the file scripting object 'MyFile = the file where we will persist ' our data 'MyStream = the textstream object we wil ' l use to access the file 'MyTitle = on of our data fields - the t ' itle of the page 'MyData = another of our fields - the da ' ta in question, in this case a counter Dim fso, MyFile, MyStream, MyTitle, MyData, MyVisits 'initialise/create the file scripting ob ' ject Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'test to see if our file already exists 'Note: 'Our file is zaf@drzed-VbsCountaDemoHtm. ' txt, and is in c:windowscookies If (fso.FileExists("c:windowscookieszaf@drzed-vbscountademohtm.txt")) Then 'it does exist, so we will get the file Set MyFile = fso.GetFile("c:windowscookieszaf@drzed-vbscountademohtm.txt") 'open the textstream object for reading Set MyStream = MyFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading) 'read the first line and assign it to ou ' r title variable MyTitle = MyStream.ReadLine 'read the second line and assign it to o ' ur data variable MyData = Mystream.ReadLine 'close the textstream object, and file a ' ll in one go MyStream.Close 'extract our data from the data string, ' by only excluding the first 7 characters ' , (thats 'VISITS=') MyVisits = Right(MyData,Len(MyData)-7) 'increment the counter, to include this ' visit MyVisits = MyVisits + 1 'display message box, to show the inform ' ation MsgBox "Title: " & MyTitle & vbCrLf & "Visits: " & MyVisits & vbCrLf & "",,"Dr Zed Productions." 'get the file ready, so that we can writ ' e out the updated data Set MyFile = fso.GetFile("c:windowscookieszaf@drzed-vbscountademohtm.txt") 're-open the textstream, this time for w ' riting Set MyStream = MyFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting, TristateFalse) 'write out the first line, the page titl ' e MyStream.WriteLine "Splash Screen Counter" 'write out the last line, the updated co ' unter value, prefixed with the text 'VIS ' ITS=' MyStream.WriteLine "Visits=" & MyVisits 'close the textstream and file, all in o ' ne go MyStream.Close Else 'the file does not exist, so create it b ' y opening it Set myfile = fso.CreateTextFile("c:windowscookieszaf@drzed-vbscountademohtm.txt", True) 'write out the first line, the page titl ' e MyFile.WriteLine("Splash Screen Counter") 'write out the last line, the initial co ' unter value, prefixed with the text 'VIS ' ITS=' MyFile.WriteLine("Visits=1") 'close the file MyFile.Close 'display message box, to show the inform ' ation MsgBox "Welcome To My Site" & vbCrLf &" Visits: 1"& "", ,"Dr Zed Productions." End If End Sub STEP 2 Be sure To include the following Text In your BODY tag ONLOAD="CookieActions" FURTHER INFO Not only does this sample show you how To create a counter, but more impotantly, it shows you how To create a cookie, which In todays world Is a MUST HAVE tool. Cookies are anywhere And everywhere, they can store all kinds of information too, all you have To Do Is add an extra line (textline/field) In the file For Each piece of information that you wish To persist. DocZaf Enjoy

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