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Title Student Database Information System.
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{ Description: Student Database. Create a new text file and then run the program. It will ask for the path of the text file and the use the program. the password is 'vyomw'. } {+r$} program databse; uses graph , crt; const directory = 'f:pascalgi' ; type stdname = string[40]; searcharray = array[1..1000] of integer; student = record name : stdname; stdnum : real; semester : real; gpa : real; end; stdarray = array[1..1000] of student; var unchangeable : integer; class : stdarray; choice : char; i , driver , mode : integer; path3 : string ; indata1 , backup : text ; search1 : searcharray; label 1 , 2 , 3 ; procedure decryptor(var decstring : stdname); var loop : integer; begin for loop := 1 to length(decstring) do decstring[loop] := chr(ord(decstring[loop]) - 121); end; procedure intdecrypt(var num : real); begin num := num - 27; num := num / 2; end; procedure gpadecrypt(var num : real); begin num := num + 0.26; num := num * 3.29; num := num / 2.69; end; procedure encryptor(var encstring : stdname); var loop : integer; begin for loop := 1 to length(encstring) do encstring[loop] := chr(ord(encstring[loop]) + 121); end; procedure gpaencrypt(var num : real); begin num := num * 2.69; num := num / 3.29; num := num - 0.26; end; procedure intencrypt(var num : real); begin num := num * 2; num := num + 27; end; procedure emptier; var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to 1000 do begin class[i].stdnum := 0; class[i].semester := 0; class[i].gpa := 0; class[i].name := ''; search1[i] := 0; end; end; procedure searcher; var b , x , m : integer; choice , seperator : char; search : real; label 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; begin 2: write('Please enter the student number to search '); readln(search); intencrypt(search); reset(indata1); x := 1; while not eof(indata1) do begin; readln(indata1, search1[x]); if (search = search1[x]) then goto 1; x := x + 1 ; if eof(indata1) then begin writeln('Student number not found '); 4: write('Do you want to search for more '); readln(choice); if (choice = 'y') or (choice = 'Y') then begin for b := 1 to 50 do begin writeln('') end; goto 2 end else goto 3; end; end; 1 : for m := 1 to 50 do writeln(''); writeln('Search result found ') ; writeln('') ; reset(indata1); writeln(''); for m := 1 to x do begin read(indata1 , class[m].stdnum); read(indata1 , class[m].semester); read(indata1 , class[m].gpa); read(indata1 , seperator); readln(indata1 , class[m].name); end; intdecrypt(class[x].stdnum); writeln('Student Number ' , class[x].stdnum:4:0); decryptor(class[x].name); writeln('Name ' , class[x].name); intdecrypt(class[x].semester); writeln('Semester ' , class[x].semester:1:0); gpadecrypt(class[x].gpa); writeln('GPA ' , class[x].gpa:1:2); writeln(''); writeln(''); goto 4; 3: end; procedure save; begin append(indata1); intencrypt(class[i].stdnum); write(indata1 , class[i].stdnum:1:0 , ' ' ); intencrypt(class[i].semester); write(indata1 , class[i].semester:1:0 , ' ' ); gpaencrypt(class[i].gpa); write(indata1 , class[i].gpa:1:2 , ' '); encryptor(class[i].name); writeln(indata1 , class[i].name); close(indata1); end; procedure newrecord; var t , h : integer; n : real; choice1 , choices : char; label 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 , 6 ; begin 1: for t := 1 to 50 do writeln(''); writeln('please enter as directed') ; write('Student # '); readln(class[i].stdnum); write('Student Name '); readln(class[i].name); write('Semester '); readln(class[i].semester); write('GPA '); readln(class[i].gpa); 5: reset(indata1); if not eof(indata1) then begin repeat readln(indata1 , n); ; intdecrypt(n); if n = class[i].stdnum then begin writeln('Duplicate Student Number not allowed '); write('Please enter another student no '); readln(class[i].stdnum); goto 5; end; until eof(indata1) ; end; if eof(indata1) then goto 3; 3: if (class[i].semester > 8) or (class[i].semester < 1) then begin for h := 1 to 50 do writeln(''); write('Error in data.... Please Renter the Semester Value ') ; readln(class[i].semester) ; goto 3; end; 4: if (class[i].gpa > 4.0) or (class[i].gpa < 1.0) then begin write('Error in data.... Please Renter the GPA '); readln(class[i].gpa); goto 4; end; save; i := i + 1; writeln(''); 2: write('Do you want to enter more data '); read(choice1); writeln(''); if (choice1 = 'y') or (choice1 = 'Y') then goto 1 ; write('Are You Sure.... '); readln(choices); if (choices = 'N') or (choices = 'n') then goto 2 else end; procedure delrec; label 1, 2 ; var h1 , h2 , h3 , f1 , d : integer; delstd : real; begin d := i; i := 1; emptier; reset(indata1); write('Please enter the student number you want to delete '); readln(delstd); for i := 1 to 1000 do begin read(indata1 , class[i].stdnum); intdecrypt(class[i].stdnum); read(indata1 , class[i].semester); intdecrypt(class[i].semester); read(indata1 , class[i].gpa); gpadecrypt(class[i].gpa); readln(indata1 , class[i].name); decryptor(class[i].name); if eof(indata1) then begin h2 := i; goto 1 ; end; end; 1: close(indata1); for h1 := 1 to h2 do if (class[h1].stdnum = delstd) then begin h3 := h1 - 1; writeln(h3); rewrite(indata1); for f1 := 1 to h3 do begin intencrypt(class[f1].stdnum); write(indata1 , class[f1].stdnum:4:0 ,' ' ); intencrypt(class[f1].semester); write(indata1 , class[f1].semester:1:0 , ' '); gpaencrypt(class[f1].gpa); write(indata1 , class[f1].gpa:1:2); encryptor(class[f1].name); writeln(indata1 , class[f1].name); end; h3 := h1 + 1; for f1 := h3 to h2 do begin intencrypt(class[f1].stdnum); write(indata1 , class[f1].stdnum:4:0 , ' '); intencrypt(class[f1].semester); write(indata1 , class[f1].semester:1:0 , ' '); gpaencrypt(class[f1].gpa); write(indata1 , class[f1].gpa:1:2); encryptor(class[f1].name); writeln(indata1 , class[f1].name); end; goto 2; end; 2: i := d; emptier; end; procedure password; var c : string; e : integer; label 1 ; begin e := 0; clrscr; 1: write('Please enter your password '); repeat e := e + 1; c[e] := readkey; if ord(c[e]) = 13 then else write('*'); until (ord(c[e]) = 13); writeln(''); if (c[1] = 'v') and (c[2] = 'y') and (c[3] = 'o') and (c[4] = 'm') and (c[5] = 'w') and (c[6] = chr(13)) then begin write('Password Accepted..... Please press any key to continue.'); readkey; end else begin writeln('Wrong Password'); e := 0; writeln(''); Write('Do you want to continue...[Y/N] '); readln(choice); clrscr; if (choice = 'y') or (choice = 'Y') then goto 1 else choice := 'n'; end; end; procedure listrecord; var name1 : stdname; j , h : integer; seperator , seperator2 ,seperator3 , keys1 : char; gpa1 , stdnum1 , semester1 : real; label 1 , 2 ; begin for j := 1 to 50 do writeln(''); writeln('This is the list of all records present in the Database'); reset(indata1); while not eof(indata1) do begin readln(indata1 , stdnum1 ,seperator ,semester1 ,seperator2, gpa1 ,seperator3, name1); decryptor(name1); intdecrypt(stdnum1); intdecrypt(semester1); gpadecrypt(gpa1); writeln('Student # ' , stdnum1:1:0); writeln('Student Name ' , name1); writeln('Semester ' , semester1:1:0); writeln('GPA ' , gpa1:1:2); writeln(''); writeln('Press any key to continue... or type <x> or <X> to exit'); keys1 := readkey; if (keys1 = 'x') or (keys1 ='X') then goto 1; for h := 1 to 50 do writeln(''); end; 1: writeln('ending'); end; procedure editrecord; var delstd , n : real; seperator : char; h1 , h2 , h3 , f1 , d , h4 , h : integer; label 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ,5 ; begin d := i; i := 1; emptier; reset(indata1); write('Please enter the student number you want to Edit '); readln(delstd); for i := 1 to 1000 do begin read(indata1,class[i].stdnum); intdecrypt(class[i].stdnum); read(indata1,class[i].semester); intdecrypt(class[i].semester); read(indata1,class[i].gpa); gpadecrypt(class[i].gpa); read(indata1,seperator); readln(indata1,class[i].name); decryptor(class[i].name); if eof(indata1) then begin h2 := i; goto 1 ; end; end; 1: close(indata1); for h1 := 1 to h2 do if (class[h1].stdnum = delstd) then begin h4 := h1; h3 := h1 - 1; writeln(h3); rewrite(indata1); for f1 := 1 to h3 do begin intencrypt(class[f1].stdnum); write(indata1 , class[f1].stdnum:4:0 ,' ' ); intencrypt(class[f1].semester); write(indata1 , class[f1].semester:1:0 , ' '); gpaencrypt(class[f1].gpa); write(indata1 , class[f1].gpa:1:2 , ' '); encryptor(class[f1].name); writeln(indata1 , class[f1].name); end; h3 := h1 + 1; for f1 := h3 to h2 do begin append(indata1); intencrypt(class[f1].stdnum); intencrypt(class[f1].semester); gpaencrypt(class[f1].gpa); encryptor(class[f1].name); write(indata1,class[f1].stdnum:4:0 , ' '); write(indata1,class[f1].semester:1:0 , ' '); write(indata1,class[f1].gpa:1:2 , ' '); writeln(indata1,class[f1].name); end; close(indata1); end; clrscr; writeln('Student # ' ,class[h4].stdnum:1:0); writeln('Student Name ' ,class[h4].name); writeln('Semester ' ,class[h4].semester:1:0); writeln('GPA ' ,class[h4].gpa:1:2); writeln(''); i := 1; writeln('Please renter the values to change the record '); write('Student # '); readln(class[i].stdnum); write('Student Name '); readln(class[i].name); write('Semester '); readln(class[i].semester); write('GPA '); readln(class[i].gpa); 5: reset(indata1); if not eof(indata1) then begin repeat readln(indata1 , n); ; if n = class[i].stdnum then begin writeln('Duplicate Student Number not allowed '); write('Please enter another student no '); readln(class[i].stdnum); goto 5; end; until eof(indata1) ; end; if eof(indata1) then goto 3; 3: if (class[i].semester > 8) or (class[i].semester < 1) then begin for h := 1 to 50 do writeln(''); write('Error in data.... Please Renter the Semester Value ') ; readln(class[i].semester) ; goto 3; end; 4: if (class[i].gpa > 4.0) or (class[i].gpa < 1.0) then begin write('Error in data.... Please Renter the GPA '); readln(class[i].gpa); goto 4; end; save; goto 2; 2: i := d; emptier; end; procedure deleterecord; var t : integer; choice : char; begin for t := 1 to 50 do writeln(''); writeln( ' WARNING ---- This will delete all the records in the current database'); write('Do yo want to continue '); readln(choice); if (choice = 'y') or (choice = 'Y') then begin rewrite(indata1) ; close(indata1) ; writeln('Database has been deleted '); end; end; procedure databaser; var name1 : stdname; begin clrscr; write('Please enter the path of your databse text file ' ); readln(path3); assign(indata1 , path3); end; procedure backup1; var name1 : stdname; begin clrscr; writeln('This will backup your data '); writeln('Please enter the path of the databse text file to backup data '); write('>>> '); readln(name1); assign(backup , name1); name1 := ''; rewrite(backup); reset(indata1); while not eof(indata1) do begin readln(indata1 , name1); writeln(backup , name1); end; writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('Backup task completed '); close(indata1); close(backup); writeln('press any key to continue '); readkey; end; procedure starter; var data : char; begin initgraph(driver , mode , directory); rectangle(10,10 , getmaxx - 10 , 165); outtextxy(140,15 , 'F A S T - N U S T U D E N T D A T A B A S E '); outtextxy(135 ,45 ,'PLEASE SELECT YOUR OPTION BY THE BRACKETED LETTER'); outtextxy(12, 75 , '[N]ew Record [E]dit Record [L]ist Record [D]elete Record [S]earch Record' ) ; outtextxy(12 ,110 ,' [C]lear Databse c[H]ange Databse [B]ackup Databse e[X]it' ) ; outtextxy(17 , 135 , 'Programming by :- Faraz Younus Bandukda - Farazoftine Software Products '); data := readkey; if (data = 'n') or (data = 'N') then begin clrscr; closegraph; newrecord ; end; if (data = 'h') or (data = 'H') then begin clrscr; closegraph; databaser; end; if (data = 'e') or (data = 'E') then begin clrscr; closegraph; editrecord ; end; if (data = 'l') or (data = 'L') then begin clrscr; closegraph; listrecord ; end; if (data = 'c') or (data = 'C') then begin clrscr; closegraph; deleterecord ; end; if (data = 's') or (data = 'S') then begin clrscr; closegraph; searcher; end; if (data = 'x') or (data = 'X') then begin unchangeable := 0; end; if (data = 'd') or (data = 'D') then begin clrscr; closegraph; delrec; end; if (data = 'b') or (data = 'B') then begin clrscr; closegraph; backup1; end; end; begin password; if (choice = 'n') then goto 3; databaser; emptier; i := 1; unchangeable := 1; while unchangeable >= 1 do begin starter; end; 3 : writeln(''); end.

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